Quick post to say that I updated the banner again, with my Facebook page (GO LIKE IT PLEASE, I LIKE YOU LONG TIME) and my Twitter page, as well as my new slogan! That's right, my blog now has a slogan. Why? Because these days all the kids want short simple crap that's easy to read and is preferably not longer than 140 characters and has lots of pictures. I blame Justin Bieber. Yes, I know you saw that coming.
How do you think I survived med school without revising?
I've finally replied the truly inspiring comments on my Question Everyone Should Ask Themselves post, which I will soon feature in an upcoming post. But there was also a troll in the comments. I get one of these jokers on every other post, it seems. And because I don't want to detract from all the awesomeness in the upcoming post, I'm going to post my reply here instead.
@A Doc 2 Be
''I turned my company in for fraudulent financial reporting' and 'after I settled my lawsuit against them.I was destroyed financially by the company '' - that would be a doing of an idiot. No wonder you have no regrets, coz still nobody caught you reg. your alleged fraudulent activity.
@The Mildly Irritated Medic
'I can still make myself believe that I can make this work, yet I know that I need to find out quickly if that faith is misplaced.' HA HA HA, gotcha.
'And what would you say to a medic who has lost his way, but not his hope?' I'd say, HA HA HA, gotcha.
And this is what I replied:

- Anonymous Keyboard Warrior: WOOP WOOP! DOUCHEBAG ALERT! Who
invited the Anonymous Arsehole Squad? I bet you're their famous leader,
Captain A.N. Al Penetration! Known for fearlessly leading the digital
charge (into rectums. Digital Rectal Exam. AHAHA SEEWHATIDIDTHAR?)
from safely behind his computer screen whilst chugging his Big Macs
with one hand and washing it down with his momma's breast milk with the
Does it feel good trolling other people courageous enough to post their stories? Does it make you feel less of a loser sitting at home in your hot neighbour's stolen panties and your five-day stubble? At least you're not yanking off to your dad's vintage porn collection anymore, are ya? Isn't your mom proud of you?
Speaking of your mom, why don't you get back to sucking her teat, she's complaining her nipples are dry. Get off my blog. Don't forget to shove your head back into your ass on your way out, your 'roids are getting lonely.
Cough. Now that that's out of the way, what do you think of the blog's new slogan? Dumb enough for the Beliebers?
Spoken like a true troll.
eghm, depressive position in dyad. rather psychotic lashout.
uhm rather hard to focus on slogan after that, innit? i think it's ok, thot it would be funnier but this is in line with ur new TV evangelist personality I guess.
What? I don't even get a mention? I even went out of my way to make up this stupid username. Trolls feed on aknowledgement ya know. So now I'm gonna die. *Sob*
ah gee, don't die, username is purrfect; besides we all luv ya!
You must be gay if you enjoy shoving you're head up people's asses
:-))))))))))))))))))))) yes, I'm gay, definetly I'm gay.
TROLLAPALOOZA! Expected it really. Pull up a chair under my bridge - I'll get the billy goat burgers nice and warm.
Something tells me this guy has more trolls on his blog than actual interested readers. Loling cos its true
King Troll: Please. You're even thicker than I thought if you think I believe for a second all these trolls are different people.
I've been dealing with trolls for a long, long time. I know when to feed, and when to stop feeding.
Wanna know the really scary part?
I know who YOU are.
oh yeah? who is King Troll then?
'I know who YOU are.' :-)
gosh, TAM, I'm SSSSO scared! LOL
and you're trolling so beautifully!
1-st: think. Then: act.
All I can say is..* stands up and claps*
King Troll is Z.(family ties took over). Geesas TAM, you r so lazy.
Isn't Z right btw? You are trolling horribly.
"Captain A.N. Al Penetration" - Classic AM. Do you have a copyright on this phrase, or may others use it too:)? I suspect most trolls who hide behind anonymity are people who get bullied and fucxed over in real life.
Why exactly are you angry? You just seem like someone who made a bad career move but that's not necessarily a reason to be angry. Maybe disappointed, but not angry
Nice work lol, tho put it this way, you know your blog is getting attention when someone can be bothered to troll it!
Also I very much like your banner. Now I want one, hmm.
Cool (down?). I pictured that conversation & it was scarry, like our consultants beast moment. You are in the right track. Congratulations I guess!
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