Sunday, May 13, 2012

I Haz A New Banner, Part Two

Not to distract from the really inspiring discussion going on in my last post, but after some useful feedback* on my last blog banner, I've put up a new one.

Yes, the banner on the right is an actual photo, whereas the left is Photoshopped.
And yes, I actually posted a picture of my two banners talking to each other.
What's that you ask? Am I sure I'm not schizophrenic? 
I used to be, but we're all right now.

I'm no Photoshop expert though, and whilst I thought the plastic wrap effect in my last banner was okay, a lot of people found it annoying. 

What do you think?

*feedback ranged from "whoa dude loving the new banner" to "sorry this is so late, just finished throwing up. seriously, who taught u to Photoshop? Ur blind grandmother?"


thoughts-whilstconstipated said...

haha, I think its pretty cool! the face is kind of scary though, but its meant to be right haha. I'm a new reader, but I love your blog :)

Prickatron said...

looks exactly the same... ah well, time to head off to Specsavers then.

OmgItsTania said...

You should have a banner depicting you getting slapped :P

E M K A S said...

I agree with what ChocolateAndCream said! :)

Or maybe you want to use this picture, since you have an obsession with hatting poor JB...

Psychiatrist said...

As a supposed Cambridge Medical Graduate you should know better than thinking schizophrenia refers to split personalities that talk to one another.

Schizophrenia translates as "splintered mind" which unfortunately has meant that the whole world believes that it refers to people with multiple personalities. A more accurate interpretation of the nomenclature would be that individuals are splintered from reality, with manifestations of psychosis, delusional thought, neologisms, thought withdrawal/insertion/broadcasting and passivity. They do often get auditory hallucinations, sometimes even coming from a part of their body, but schizophrenics never believe that those voices are another personality within them.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous Psychiatrist said...

As a supposed Cambridge Medical Graduate you should know better than thinking schizophrenia refers to split personalities that talk to one another."

Thanks for this. I was using it to revise for my psych exams :S. thank god i read the comments section

The Angry Medic said...

Psychiatrist: Bitch please. I have a MA from Cambridge in Experimental Psychology. My Psych supervisor was Professor Simon Baron-Cohen, BAFTA-nominated father of modern autism and cousin to actor Sacha Baron-Cohen, and he described my dissertation on 'The Magnocellular Theory of Autism and Dyslexia' as "excellent". I could reel off the Schneiderian first-rank symptoms like a well-oiled engine after my first week of psych. So YES, I THINK I KNOW WHAT SCHIZOPHRENIA FREAKING IS.

However, as a supposed psychiatrist YOU should know that it is a common misconception that schizophrenia and MPD are the same thing, and jokes to that effect are so common they have become part of popular culture. So if you want to correct me, go shove your judgment up the arse of every single clown out there who has ever cracked one of 'em. Start by Googling 'schizophrenia jokes'. The first page itself will give YOU voices in your head.

If you need more proof, here is me correcting Adam Kay of physician musical duo Amateur Transplants on the same mistake over two weeks ago. I regret it now. He must have had the same resignation in his head at being shot down by a fellow physician WHO FREAKING WELL KNOWS that he suffered just as much as I did to pass his finals and he's making the joke for comedy value AND NOTHING ELSE.

The Angry Medic said...

Psychiatrist: Okay. I may have been overly harsh in that previous comment. I understand you must be, like many psychiatrists, tired of the common misconception of schizophrenia in the press, and merely wanted to do your small bit to clear things up. I hope you understand, though, that I take a lot of crap every day from people for going to Cambridge. They think that automatically means I must be perfect, and hence their criticism is harsher on me than everyone else. So when someone plays the "LOL u went 2 Cam hw do u not know dis" card I get VERY offended.

The Angry Medic said...

Medical Student Anonymous: If you truly are a student revising, I'm genuinely glad Psychiatrist's comments helped. He is correct. However any good textbook would also have taught you that. Every med student knows about the common misconception about schizophrenia in the popular press; in fact all of psychiatry is commonly misunderstood by the general public. Just look at people thinking autism can be 'contracted' from other kids or the MMR vaccine, or teachers calling kids 'dyslexic' as if it were an insult.

I hope you learnt something from this discussion.

If you're NOT a real student and just Prickatron or Dan trolling me again, well then WHOOP-DE-FUCKING-DOO.

Anonymous said...

The Angry Medic said...

Medical Student Anonymous: If you truly are a student revising, I'm genuinely glad Psychiatrist's comments helped. He is correct. However any good textbook would also have taught you that. Every med student knows about the common misconception about schizophrenia in the popular press; in fact all of psychiatry is commonly misunderstood by the general public. Just look at people thinking autism can be 'contracted' from other kids or the MMR vaccine, or teachers calling kids 'dyslexic' as if it were an insult.

Lol clearly my attempt at humour backfired big time. It was my wierd way of telling the esteemed psychiatrist to chill out. A joke is a joke is a joke. No one's taking notes on it ;)