Forgive the long break between posts; between trying to drag the separate pieces of my life together like a farmer dragging obstinate mules by their tails and getting nothing but a lesson in mule butt anatomy (
ass holes. AHAHA geddit? --Editor), I have also been giving Cambridge Access talks around the country and trying very hard not to scream "RUN FOLKS RUN!" at these poor masochists applying to Cambridge.

No doubt many of you have realised by now that the good Dr Crippen of
NHS Blog Doctor has taken a leaf out of my book and taken a leaf of absence (
leaf = leave. AHAHA geddit? I'm on a roll! --Ed) for a while, leaving the BritMeds in the capable if profanity-smeared hands of Dr Rant. They've been kind enough to put my reader-enforced comeback in
their inaugural BritMeds. Go take a look and find out why the most popular search term leading to my blog is now 'Megan Fox'. Not that I'm complaining...people always did say I had a great body.

my new post on Medscape discusses academic medicine and the attitudes towards it in different places. No, it's not another rant about how much I hate the academic slant at Cambridge. (Okay, so maybe just a little.) Go check it out and learn how you can pass on all the abuse poured on you in medical school and by your parents in childhood.
(Disclaimer: The above bad humour, crappy graphics and lack of quick response to comments posted below are all results of the flu I've got clogging up my nose. Well, that and the voices in my head, of course. They're getting louder these days and arguing with each other. Maybe I should tell my therapist about them sometime. --Ed)
Hope you feel better! It's nice to read what you are up to every now and then...:o)
oh my goodness. I probably shouldn't type this because I know I'm going to regret it/ become extremely embarrassed but... I love you. OH my goodness. Angry, you are so funny and make me happy!! ( You don't even "know" who I am and to make matters worse in addition to your flu, the voices in your head and studying you now have a cyber stalker :P)ahhh I should delete this now. BUt I swear I'm not some crazy person! Xavier will vouch for me. Right Xavier???....???
( Is there an edit button for after I post this and get embarrassed?)
Oh and you are spoiling us... posting so close together like that!
Something to cheer you up as you walk along life. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070806/ap_on_fe_st/odd_hello_kitty_cops
PS: this isn't as funny as the one I send to you on MSN, but hey, its far less controversial.
I really hope that all will be sorted out soon. My personal favorite quote for when things seem overwhelming is "this too shall pass" --- it will! No doubt you've now got plently of studying done by now, so I'm sure that will help things. Good luck dear!
(It's probably weird that I'm always leaving bits of advice here, seeing as you're two years ahead of me in school, but oh well...)
P.S. Ahahahaha Jess isn't a crazy stalker, I promise! Ahahaha!!
you've had a shit couple of months hey? now you have the flu..... blurgh. hope you get better. x
Good luck with the re-sits. It's marginally better once you get to clinical school :) Are you thinking of staying in Cambridge?
It's always good to hear what you are up to Angry Medic, whether it be good or bad; but I must admit I'm a bit distressed. This girl.... this stalker you have ... Jess? I thought I was your one and only. I knew I'd move down the line once a prettier face came along.
Keep your chin up and your nose to the grindstone; things have to get better, don't they?
Are you sure you should be giving widening access talks? I was asked to do the same last year but I declined because I didn't feel I could honestly offer schoolkids a realistically optimistic future in medicine.
Hey my own woman! We could share angry if you want! I call Monday, Wednesday and Fridays!!!
Oh feel better soon angry!!
Hello Dear Angry, It's sooo good to see you "out and about"...you would not believe how much I have missed you and your hilarious sense of humor...you truly brighten my day. The cookie offer is still good anytime, but please remember not to feel obligated.(bakestuff@hotmail.com). Love your articles on "Med Scape", it's good to see your humor there too, although in a more subtle form, of course...I keep forgetting to thank you for putting up the link to Dr. Gwande's site...I am a frequent visitor, thanks to you...thanks! (sigh, a bit more than pathetic, am I not?). Be good to you, tracy
I'm logged in now. And I popped back to let you know that my comment earlier wasn't intended in the hideously judgemental way it comes across.
Sorry about that [pulls embarrassed face]
I totally understand about conflicting interests and priorities, and being torn in two directions by the same thing. I just wish I could express myself eloquently, and not sound like such an arse.
The only advice I can give you is to trust your own gut feelings, and the advice of those you trust. Things will work out and I know you'll be successful. I just know it :)
Technically, a mule isn't an ass. It's only half-ass, which is pretty descriptive of my ability to tell a joke. Or explain one.
Velkum back to Blogoland, Angry M!
It's been a bit bland without you, only relieved by Jaden of Steamy Kitchen's crazy humour.
Hope the studying is effective and enjoyable. Giving talks to Cambridge wannagos? Is there anything you don't do?!
Im so glad I stumbled on your blog afew months back Angry, I can see similar posts of appreciation below and i'd just like to second/third/fourth these. I find myself mechanically searching for your blog every other day now to see how things are holding up for you at the hallowed grounds of cambridge. You just dont seem to fill that stereotype that we all have of a cambridge med student..and i love it :) Keep it rolling x
So good to have you back!
I have to wonder if the jokes, ie. those godawful phrases you have to add "AHAHA" to, could be related to the voices in your head, though.
I was gonna tell you to ease back on the studying if that's the case, but hey, why kill off the muses, I mean, voices?
And studying is such a GOOD THING, too. All the best with your tour, and regards to your toothbrush.
Angry I've tagged you. Hope you don't mind.
check email, world's most wonderful place is passing us by :(
love from the penguin
Hey, dude! Close your books for 5 minutes and come over to vote for my short story. It's brilliant!
btw, I also posted a glowing appreciation of your talent. After all, you can't help being an Oxbridge tosser, it's in the genes.
Oh yeah, and good luck with the resits. Right, I'm off to enjoy the sunshine...
Hi Sweetie:
I missed you. Good hearing from you again.
Hugs, Your Mama Jones
Hello, new reader here. At the risk of stating the obvious, I would like to point out that this blog truly rocks.
HELLO??? Anyone there?!?
Angry? Are you feeling better??
hi there, i've read some of your medscape post and this is my first visit that i just wanna give my brief view bout your page. the banner is a bit freaky, but it suit you. i can't believe you take this 'angry medic' term :) cool, keep breaking free, dude!
Don't tell your therapist, tell us! Get well soon, the flu is a nasty thing.
Don't make me come there and smack you to give us a few lines letting us know how you are.
what do they say.. those that can.. do and those that can't.. teach..
but I love teaching.. but wouldn't respect a teacher who although great at teaching wasn't a clinician too.. but then a lot of the clinicians are lousy teachers..
How u getting on?
I think teaching is harder than people think,usually its the geniuses who can't teach as they don't understand what other ppl find so difficult about their subjects. Its the thickos like me who are good as having struggled with the material we now know all the possible problems and misunderstandings and common errors and can explain it in a idiot proof way.
Ladies, ladies, please! :)
Heh. Uhm yeah, the cyber-stalker thing is just a LEETLE bit scary. But mostly touching. You guys sound more concerned about me than I am. I'm fine, and will get back to the comment-replying soon (I read each one obsessively, and formulate a witty reply that I wanna paste on your blogs, but then I look at the watch and freak out cos I should be studying cos my exams are like in oh my gawsh 3 weeks and like I'm totally unprepared and I'm so gonna die cos my supervisors and parents and everybody and their mothers is expecting me to pass this time but there's so much to learn oh my gosh did Megan Fox just pass by, and then I go back to my books.)
*looks at watch*
Hi Dear Angry,
miss you soooo very much, but I know you are sooo busy and please know my thoughts and prayers (if that kinda thing is okay with you...!) are with you always. I think of you as my "Junior Dr Gwande"...he is my"
Book Crush",
you are my "Blog Crush"...hah, not too pathetic, I hope...! Be kind to you, okay and know how much we care (that is, your readers, not all my personalities...HA!)
be well, tracy
yeah angry medic. i looove u soooo much and i wanna pour molten chocolate all over u and eat u
WHOoooOOO!!! Angry's got some cyber 'lovers'!!
(I swear the anon before me wasn't me)
I've been away and didn't know NHS was "leafing" for a while. I always enjoy coming by and visiting you. I do hope things get better as time goes by for you. You are working so hard!
What!!! You're still angry? Alamak!
Hi Medic - good to hear what you are doing again! You always get me laughing!! :)
So when is the new Trump show with the stars coming on?
Dear Angry,
Hi, wave, wave, hope you are doing good and that exams are over or nearly over...betcha did really good this time around. Just wanted you to know I am thinking of you and reccomend you blog to e v e r y o n e it's the best and so are you!
Hugs, tracy
Awww thanks Momma Tracy. Nope, resits are only a week away now and I'm sweating buckets. I'm really really scared...but I get back to Cambridge on Monday and will try and update on Tuesday.
Thanks for the concern again...you have no idea how comforting it is to come here and read these comments in such a nerve-wracking period :P
Well, this explains why you stopped visiting me. With all of these anonymouses/cyberstalkers/lovers in your life, you don't need me anymore. *sniffle*
You've been tagged! Check my blog for details! =P
Miss you angry.
Dominatrix Anonymous: Your wish is granted. Please put that whip away now :)
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