Sheesh. You take a break from blogging and try and go into seclusion to set things right with your life, and what happens?
Why, your readers form an angry mob and drag you right back, of course.

I've spent several posts over on Medscape ranting on about passion, so much so that comments have ranged from a polite 'Um, why don't you write about something else for a bit?' to 'Stop whining, retard. Don't you have rectal exams to do?' But I worked hard, very hard at times, to get into med school, and when I got in I stopped and became what my tutors would diplomatically call "a lazy git". Which is why I was left wondering where all the passion went, where all the discipline went. (Not that I had much to begin with - remember I got into Cambridge on the strength of my eyelashes. Dangit. Now I wish I'd taken my mother's advice and become an eyelash extension model. --Ed)
To cut a long story short, I told my tutors, got a few textbooks thrown at me, got a few more whip scars on my arse (and some wheelchair tracks - one of my professors is kinda old. Don't ask. --Ed) and am on my way to fixing things. Which basically means that for the duration of the summer I have to SuperGlue my arse to my seat and study as if Dr Miranda Bailey herself was behind me holding a whip.
Thanks for the lovely words of encouragement to those of you who left some. They restore my faith in humanity. No that is NOT a tear in my eye. That's just, um, pencil fumes. Yeah.
sure sure. aww youre just a teddy bear at heart, aren't you?
Woo! He speaks!
Glad to hear you're knuckling down... in your absence I'd worried for a while that you might be giving up medicine and becoming a fulltime eyelash model.
If it's any consolation, I failed an exam (first and last time I've ever failed anything) at the end of first year, and my family took me on holiday as planned but whilst the rest of the family went to the beach and on delightful daytrips, I was left in the villa with my textbooks for company.
Wow, you're alive after all - keep up the good work, and good luck with the studying.
Hooorrraaaahhhh he is back!!!!
You'll be fine Angry. Remember that for most of us, blogging is actually a "break" from the studying."Break"- as in "the rest of the time we do nothing but study", at least when we need it, like in exam periods. Results always come with hard work, and if anybody pretends that they just got 95% by watching Scrubs and Grey's Anatomy they are either LYING or having someone VERY important in their bed. You choose which is most likely. :-)
Cheers- and remember that holidays DO come up sometime :-)
Nice to have you back posting.
Hihi! How's life...
Sorry, couldn't concentrate, staring at Megan...
Hope studies are going well, if you need anything, let me know. And I WILL reserve those girls for you.
Time to google..
Good luck dear :)
I am so happy you are BACK!!!! YES!! All is right AGAIN!! I've missed your blog so much!
I'm happy your okay and didn't get stabbed by a pencil ( because of all your studying)!
Good luck ANGRY!!!!!
Hang in there!
This is just another vicissitude in life. Without failing, you can't fail forward!
I'm flattered that you put my picture on your first blog back.... well...ok, it's not me, but I'm still glad you're back.
Welcome back Angry Medic! I hope this means you're posting at least ten times a day to make up for lost time!
glad to have you back. and dont just study all the time with your ass glued on the seat... you need to play a bit.
and of cos, mirinda bailey is certainly not behind your back.
Much, much love to you Angry, tracy
He Lives! I miss you.
Well, look who came out from his cave.
Welcome back.
Megan Fox is HOT!!!
Remember my HUGE love and adoration for you~ Maybe that could help you to keep on going - a tiny bit helpful, maybe? And daymn, as straight as i am, i would still so marry Megan Fox. Yumm.
AAAANNNGGGRRRYYYY, love ya babe! Take care of your self, okay? Sure did miss you! Oops, should your "other mom" call you "babe"...? eh, whatever, sooo good to see you back....still haven't read "Better", yet...it's like I am saving it for something..? But guess who is the "wallpaper" in my cell? (phone, that is!) Sigh, kinda pathetic, isn't it? I am now finishing up "Mount Misery, the sequel to "House of God"...funny and sad all at once...kinda like life. Be good to yourself, tracy
He lives (with guilt, but still...)! :-P
Good for you for knuckling down and learning it properly!! It'll all be worth it, i'm sure! Best of luck, and come 'round and say hello every once and a while when you're on a study break!
It happens.
The important thing is that you pick yourself up, give yourself a shake, and keep on fightin'.
Good luck, my friend.
Hi there! I'm that coleague from Portugal, Coimbra University. I just like to tell you that you're not the only one who worked is ass out to get into to med school and then got lazy! lol...I suffer from that same condition...but I'll guess you'll gradually change that as I did too.It's not that I improved greatly my grades but I think you and I will achieve our goals. The ,ost important is never stop believing in yourself and keep on going!
I'm on holiday too but I'll start studying 2 weeks from now since I have exams in september! So "Força"! (means to have strength..!)
An eyelash extension model? Say what?
Anonymous With Bear Fetish: No I am NOT. I am a big manly angry medic, okay? The blog's named The ANGRY Medic, not the Cheerful Medic, or the Slightly Grumpy Medic. Hmpf.
HospitalPhoenix: YOU? Failed an exam? YOU?
*orchestra plays O Fortuna*
Oh, the talent scouts came, but I shooed them away. Said something about some great whoopin' fiery bird threatenin to come down out of the sky and burn my eyelashes off if I abandoned medicine :)
Elaine: Yes dear, contrary to popular belief, I'm alive! Thanks for the wishes, I'm trying...
Ms Ellisa: Oi! Wasn't I the one who said that ("They all come back") when MSG came back? No fair using my own jabs against me :)
But yeah, blogging is like therapy. No wonder so many medics blog. And so many doctors write books. But it can also be just as therapeutic to read other people's rants, so you keep blogging too, y'hear? Only I am allowed to be as lazy as I am :)
(That...didn't really make much sense, did it?)
Medstudentitis: Aw thanks dear. I'm trying :)
Jess: AWWW thanks. I should warn you though, my muse's gone off on a vacation to the Bahamas with the Green Fairy of Eurotrip fame, so my writing for now is going to be even crappier than it was before (if that's even possible). I'm not responsible for any ensuing mental damage!
(Or any physical damage caused by repeatedly slamming your head into a hard object! --Angry Medic's Lawyer)
Patrick Leong: Thanks man. You are of course absolutely right. In a (sick perverted?) way I'm glad I failed. I needed a wake-up call.
My Own Woman: Hahahaha I actually laughed out loud when I read that. No resemblance was meant. No, really. Honest :)
Best wishes! Don't study too hard. :)
Nice blog, I just found it.
What is it with med school and losing passion? I've written some recent posts on the death of enthusiasm, and have no answers, only questions, and an exam coming up in a week and a half. Have fun studying!
It can be fun; the exhilaration of knowing something. Sometimes we forget that.
Glad to have you back angry.. Hope revision isn't too bad.. Its all practice for having no holiday when you reach the clinial years!!
Anyway, don't feel too bad about it cos at least you have a fulfilling life.. I may fail and have had the most miserable study filled year too !
But then I'm a misery guts!
Good Luck and hope to hear your good news of flying through to the next year soon
xx :)
It's ok. Exams don't really *mesure* a person's abilities imo. It is just a momentary score at a moment in time.
Make that "measure"
Yeah, I didn't do well on spelling exams either.
What's the point in exams? when you qualify, there will basically be some knobhead with a clipboard who's "been on a course" pretty much doing ur job (quite badly) anyway. All you need to know is how to take the blood and chase the results. Oh, and do all the other stuff outwith the hours of monday-friday 9-4.30 when you've no supervision ;)
I trust Cambridge wil be modifying their exams accordingly soon, so don't give up hope if you fail the resits.
Good luck with it, though.
Dr. Thunder
You're so funny AM! glad to see you writing again. :)
Ah, pencil fumes can indeed get to one's eyes sometimes.
I loved the Transformers!
eFyEcA Your blog is great. Articles is interesting!
xGTIkS Please write anything else!
KOtASk Magnific!
pUWLdx Good job!
Please write anything else!
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
Hello all!
Please write anything else!
Good job!
Hello all!
Wonderful blog.
el39d0 actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
Thanks to author.
So nice your posting.
Everything looks good in your posting.
That will be necessary for all. Thanks for your posting.
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