Ah, Valentine's Day. A day when undying love is declared, when girlfriends who normally berate their boyfriends for not buying them presents berate them FOR buying a Valentine's present, saying that their love did not need an overly-commercialised occasion to be celebrated on; a day when sad singles mope around in singles' bars listening to beatniks read poetry and chugging Bloody Marys trying to get drunk and bring on the sweet release of sleep a little earlier. (
Not that I'd know anything about that. Hic. --Ed)
A day when people in Cambridge, eccentric as they are, become even MORE eccentric and do all sorts of weird things. I actually met one medic couple who told me, ensconced in each others' arms, that they were going to celebrate this sacred day by quizzing each other on Anatomy in the library. (
Exactly HOW they were going to, uh, explore anatomy, they didn't say, but I'd rather not know. --Ed)

This morning's Pathology lecture saw our lecturer (
who, by the way, is a self-confessed sex addict and who is a GOLDMINE for funny quotes--wait for another upcoming edition of a post like this one --Ed) being interrupted by a loud yell from the rear of the lecture hall, as a medic ran down the stairs followed by a large gorilla, and presented her with a bouquet of roses and a box of chocolates. (
Okay, so the large gorilla was actually a RAG volunteer in a costume, but still. It's a GORILLA in a Pathology lecture. Spot the odd one out. --Ed)
The mystery in my previous post has been solved...NurseQuack WAS sent by HospitalPhoenix after all. He had dropped a pretty big hint in
his Valentine's Day post, but I, uh, hadn't read it yet. Yeah, that's it. Donald Trump, who for a while now has been developing quite the crush on NurseQuack, was so overjoyed that he flew NurseQuack back to Trump Tower in New York to have a sumptuous seven-course Valentine's Day dinner.
HospitalPhoenix says here NurseQuack told her boyfriend she was on a nurse-prescribing course in Cambridge. She is. The medicine being prescribed to her is Donald Trump.
Happy Valentine's Day, folks!
Donald and the Duck???
An Antidote for what ails the Anatidae???
I am seething with insurmountable jealousy!
Rummage her plumage he will,that no-good moulting mop!!
singh, you have surpassed the maximum point of my weirdometer scale. damn it. now i shall have to devise a new theory to model weirdness before i can begin to measure it again.
Of course I'm alive...;-)
Anna Akhmatova: Rummage her plumage?! Why'd you have to go and do THAT? The mental images are horrible! She's at it again!
Dan: Hey, I can be your new maximum. Yeah baby.
Carmelo: Alive in a blogospheric way, I mean. I'm glad you're still commenting, and that you're okay. We haven't heard from you in some time, you know. Have you really stopped blogging for good? Please say you haven't, dude.
Aw, nothing says love like a Gorilla suit. Especially in Path.
You made Roxy self-conscious. She is emotion-eating a gallon of cookie dough ice cream right now and she made me change her pictures. Thanks. Thanks alot ;)
I wish interesting things like that happened in our lectures... *sigh*
I remember in second year, one of our 'legendary' profs, (an anatomy one) ended the lecture by saying,
"By the way, do we have a Carol in the room?"
When Carol raised her hand tentatively, the prof produced a single red rose from under the podium and walked up to her and gave it to her, saying, "Your boyfriend asked me to give you this and wish you a Happy Valentine's Day."
It was all 'awww' at the time, but it was also a weird gesture in a way.
Anyway, I digress.
HP rocketh.
you've got a lecturer who is a self confessed sex addict... haha... that's honesty. him being a goldmine for funny quotes certainly helps a lot in his sexual conquest i am sure.
you talking about audry or audrey? two different people you know...
Hello from the island of Berneray in the Outer Hebrides. A weird fact; Donald Trump's mother comes from Lewis, the most northerly island in the Outer Hebrides. I can confidently report that no-one, even on the most windswept days, has hair like his.
Still, if/when they build the tunnel from the Outer Hebrides to the mainland:
...he'll be able to drive across to his ancestral home in his limo.
Happy V-Day
By the way, thanks for the link. I just realized it was there...(been slow to do that who-links-to-me thing) :)
Michelle: Hahaha...my pleasure. Roxy deserves to eat, you know! You need to keep her fat and cute like she is now. A thin Roxy is a non-cute Roxy (and a cardinal sin).
Calavera: Ooh, now THAT was sweet! There's an idea I'm going to put away for future use *rubs hands gleefully* I did some sweet stuff this V-Day too, but nothing THAT great. And yes, HP rocketh! Congrats on the NurseQuack!
Zewt: It's a SHE, Zewt. And she's 60 years old. Doesn't that just give you the most delightful mental images? :)
John Kirriemuir: Wow, thanks for stopping by! Finally, someone ELSE who knows where Trump's mum is from! He was planning to expand to Scotland by building that golf course in Aberdeen I hear, in which case that tunnel would come in quite useful. Any word on whether it's going ahead as as planned?
JustCallMeJo: Hahaha thanks. I don't blame you, you must be REALLY busy...how DO you manage to keep two blogs? One alone is sending me over the edge.
Trumpy is from Stornaway? Seriously? Whoaa.
where got. you got 3 blogs ba. the angry medic one, the medscape one and the mnite one ba.
dun be so like that.
it's chinese new year and i must talk like a chinese.
anna is funky lol
Did the medic and the gorilla hand over a goody apiece, or was it one or the other?
During particularly gruelling seminars, I used to wish that somebody would break into the room and accost the lecturer - it never happened, no matter how much I prayed, crossed fingers and toes etc.
hahahaha... indeed indeed....
if you're chinese... happy CNY!
Anonymous 1: Nope, Trump himself isn't from there, his mum is. He's half-Scottish, and has often attributed his fierceness and success to his Scot genes.
Dan: 4 blogs now! And yes ma, you must talk like a Chinese laaa. Quote lots of Confucius laaa.
Anonymous 2: Hahaha yes, Anna is funky and soul-destroying as always. Trust her to pepper our minds with lovely mental images.
Shinga: They gave her a goody apiece. Cool eh?
Ooh, I wished sometimes a giant lizard would erupt from the floor and eat the lecturer, or the roof would cave in on them or something. But hey, I'm in the midst of writing a sketch show, and you've given me ideas...
Zewt: Aw thanks! I am indeed part Chinese, and have always celebrated CNY. Gong xi fa cai to you too!
Happy belated Valentimes Day! (Here in Podunk, a lot of people pronounce it "Valentimes" for some reason...)
confucius say: man with long moustache must eat less noodle.
Bohemian: Aww, thanks dear! Herein Cambridge, people try pronouncing it and then halfway through decide it's time to go back to hitting the books. "Happy Valen-time to study again, see you soon"
(Heh. Terrible joke, I know. But thanks all the same, and hope you had a great V-Day too :P)
i wonder if donald trump had any peking duck during his 7 course meal *winks*
Hi Sweetie:
I hope you had a nice Valentine's Day. I love your nurse-duckie-doll. Where can I find on of those things?
Hugs, Your Mama
i had duck 2 nights in a row!!
Ash: Haha yes, Trump remembered that it was Chinese New Year, so he made sure his kitchen full of imported sweatshop labourers from China put in a Chinese dish for NurseQuack :)
Mama Jones: Aw thanks! I'm sure yours was fantastic too. HospitalPhoenix sent me one...I think you can get one on eBay, if they haven't run out. Otherwise you could ask HP, he has a few spare left :)
Dan: You fat lazy bum. Where were you at the gathering? Antisocial!
i was lion dancing. hence the peking duck 2 nights in a row.
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