Right, after being a very busy highly productive medical student (read: lazy bastard --Ed) for a few weeks, I'm back to posting mini-recaps for The Apprentice Season 6. Checking out the NBC website before writing this review, I realised that they've taken the liberty of giving each of the candidates a convenient little label, either for their own amusement or to enable what they must think are audiences with the mental capacity of a drunken hyena to see what role each candidate is expected to take. (Case in point: Martin, the first to be fired, is 'The Philosopher'. And indeed, just before he got fired, he spouted loads of random African sayings, which did make him seem philosohical. Unfortunately, his staggering intellect was not matched ny his bladder control and his taste in clothes, so he got his arse booted by The Donald. Full recap here. --Ed)
Unfortunately, the NBC dudes appear to have missed the mark with Heidi, who currently is the leading candidate and Project Manager on the show. Realising her good looks obviously mean she has no brains, the male chauvinist pigs over at NBC have gone and labelled her 'The Hottie'. Ooh. I smell a sexual discrimination lawsuit coming up.
"I'm not taking the rap for this one. This wasn't me, Women's Rights Watch! I love women!"
The Task: The two teams have to put on a beachwear fashion show, right from scratch. This means designing their own swimwear. Team Kinetic did okay, putting on a good show, except for Surya who, uhm, well. Take a look for yourself:
"Right, look straight up, holdstomachin holdstomachin it's almost over..."
They could afford all that, but not a wax for Surya? No wonder he's called 'The Hair' over on the NBC website.
The much-promised glimpse of Trump barefoot came when the billionaire walked down the beach, took off his socks, and threw them right onto Concubine #353.

Who Got Fired And Why: Carey, 'The Perfectionist', got axed because he designed a men's bathing suit that bordered on the obscene and that would only appeal to gay men. (And possibly because Carey's gay himself, but that's a topic I'm not touching with a ten foot pole. --Ed)
Overall, The Apprentice didn't do too well with this episode, even with a trip to the Playboy Mansion as a reward for the winning team (featuring the real Hugh Hefner and his three plastic Barbie-doll girlfriends!) and Trump brandishing Carey's bathing suit in the boardroom, but I'm told the third episode was the charm. Stay tuned for the next recaplet coming up real soon, folks. In the meantime, I leave you again with the exit interview, simplified to a single picture:

Unfortunately, the NBC dudes appear to have missed the mark with Heidi, who currently is the leading candidate and Project Manager on the show. Realising her good looks obviously mean she has no brains, the male chauvinist pigs over at NBC have gone and labelled her 'The Hottie'. Ooh. I smell a sexual discrimination lawsuit coming up.
The Task: The two teams have to put on a beachwear fashion show, right from scratch. This means designing their own swimwear. Team Kinetic did okay, putting on a good show, except for Surya who, uhm, well. Take a look for yourself:

They could afford all that, but not a wax for Surya? No wonder he's called 'The Hair' over on the NBC website.
The much-promised glimpse of Trump barefoot came when the billionaire walked down the beach, took off his socks, and threw them right onto Concubine #353.

Who Got Fired And Why: Carey, 'The Perfectionist', got axed because he designed a men's bathing suit that bordered on the obscene and that would only appeal to gay men. (And possibly because Carey's gay himself, but that's a topic I'm not touching with a ten foot pole. --Ed)

I actually religiously watch the Apprentice lol. One way or the other I do learn something(mainly that book smarts or business savy don't always show up when people that claim they have it, need it the most) and the rest of the time I keep asking myself why I watch it. The Editor's do such a crappy job of keeping who get's fired a secret. You can tell from the first or second scene. But ahh...i still watch it, it did not come on last week because of the superbowl, so I'm waiting for this wknds episode.
I loathe the donald. But I love chest hair! No more waxing your chest hair men, it's a major downer when you look as smooth as a child.
I love The Donald! The Power,The Wealth, That Voice, and That Hair,The Bomb-Over Comb-over!!
Anybody with that superior styling deserves to rule the corporate world, I tell you!I would love to just run me fingers through that coarse,crinkly crowning glory of his and while trying to free me dainties stuck in his titanium tuft, I'll say ,Donald..."YOU're WIRED"!!!
hahahaha!! Anna! You're mad! hahaha!
definitely have to learn how to use photoshop. make a date with my friend who is a self-taught photoshop user this CNY. Hope to be a photoshop freshie after CNY... wait for the new photoshop-equiped zewt!
Anna is too funny! (Hey, I gotta get me one of those Donald Trump action figures...)
I've never seen a singe episode.
Abbey: You're absolutely right. There used to be suspense some time ago but nowadays it's clear cut from the beginning who gets cut. I SO saw Marisa coming.
You have good taste in TV shows, by the way!
Anna Akhmatova: Oh gawd ugh. Oh you're funny. I can't tell whether to laugh or to throw up! Are ALL Malaysian writers this dirty-minded? I should do a thesis on it or something.
Anonymous: I agree. Anna seems even more psycho than I am!
Zewt: OOH. Now you've got me drooling in anticipation. Are we witnessing the birth of a new Kenny Sia? Do it man, do it!
Bohemian: She IS! And hey, Trump action figures are great fun. They're real cuddly and are great to take to bed, and they make great company when you're asleep too. (Not that I'd know anything about that.)
Dr Serani: Aww, what a crying shame! They're good, if only for the entertainment value. And yeah yeah, I have no business watching it being a medic. But hey, who can resist that hair, that charm, that love of his own name emblazoned everywhere?
You had me laughing so hard at the Lord of the Rings reference for that apprentice guy. I hate that show, but damn if that wasn't hilarious!
Anna...You are SO sick!...lol
ANNA, LMAO!!!!! are you a malaysian???? Angry Medic, Is she really a Malaysian girl??? LOL!!!!!
MedStudentGod: Hohoho...someone got the joke! You, sir, have excellent sense of humour :)
Heh. Thanks! That particular pic just reminded me of Gollum. Why DO you hate the show? It's not so bad...there's some worse crap out there on the networks.
Cathy: I KNOW! Someone get me a barf bag.
Rex And The City: Hahahaha...yes, she is indeed a Malaysian, and quite a prominent one at that. In her everyday identity though, you wouldn't expect her to say something like that, but anonymity is sacred to me so I'm not going to say who she is.
One thing though, she can be pretty SICK at times :P
Anna is incredibly funny LOL! I read her sick and hilarious whale-riding post too.She could either be a hot babe or a whale herself LOL!!!!and ever so often its the latter LOL!
Atomic SEO I really like this blog when I first signed up here i wasn't sure were to post...
Atomic SEO I really like this blog when I first signed up here i wasn't sure were to post...
Anonymous: Whoa there! You're calling ANNA sick, then throwing all these horrible whale images into my mind? As if there isn't enough sick stuff in there already!
(And by 'sick stuff' I mean stuff to do with sickness. Like med school stuff. Perv.)
Atomic SEO: Really. You don't say. Well how about paying me a visit in person, I don't do virtual car auctions well. I'd much rather do them face to face. Tell you what, you come on over, I'll take a look at your cars, then we can get creative with a vaginal spreader and your huge stinky arseholes, eh? I'll even throw in a free Atomic Wedgie for your Atomic Arses. I am the personification of generosity.
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