I know I haven't been updating in a while, but I've been busy revising for next week's mock Pharm exam (okay, so maybe I've also interspersed it with 12-hour breaks to play Star Wars: Empire at War. Maybe. --Editor).
Ever notice how when you're cramming, you start being really introspective and go all deep sometimes? There's the Penitent Promise, in which you promise yourself you'll never do last-minute cramming again and be a good student for the rest of your life (with the rest of your life inevitably meaning about 24 minutes after your last exam ends --Ed); there's the "What Am I Doing With My Life?" Self-Argument, where you question whether your standards are as high as you want to be known for/whether you're really doing what you love in life/whether the universe really was created by a Flying Spaghetti Monster; there's also the "I'm Sorry Mom & Dad" panicked call home to blubber over the phone apologising for not being a good child and revising in time, and promising to study harder the next time around if only they'll keep paying for your education (this may occur in conjunction with the Penitent Promise).
And then there's the "Something Missing" Soul Search. The sense that something, somewhere, is missing in life; that medicine (or whatever else you're doing) isn't as fun as you thought it would be, but you know that's your fault.; the nagging feeling that maybe, just maybe, you're just going through the motions and not REALLY enjoying what you're doing.
Sound familiar? Or is it just me again? But more on this next time. Now I have to go drown my post-Empire at War guilt in a few hours of revision at least. In the meantime, want something fun to do? Click here!
Awesome, huh?
angry medic has boobs. hahahaha.
wah... so secretive... buy the domain through a domain proxy... haha... but we all know who you are leh...
i can't call him by his real name or else he will delete the comment... but yeah, there's a whole electronic trail to track him down anyway. no idea why he's so 'secretive' :P
Proctors, people, proctors!
Everyone knows who I am. But as long as the people who want me dead don't know who I am, then that's okay.
I'm also guessing (and hoping) that those same people lead busy enough lives that they have better things to do than track me down...
proctors aren't stupid. it takes 3 seconds to track you down.
Huh? Does this mean you're paying for that domain name? Just because it's easier to remember??
My....you do have some extra pocket money to spend.
wooo... thats actually quite cool *realises that makes me lame*
Anyways, I didn't really understand that post because my brain is a pile of mush following exams but. woo.
Keep working hard :)
Right...and I just realised I didn't comment properly on the post (which I didn't understand much either).
I think I've been through most of the phases you've described, except for the 'panicked call home' part. Maybe your parents should stop giving you enough money to spend on domain names. :D
Nifty. Now I don't have to type 'blogspot' everytime i want to come here -pft, too lazy to add to favs-
It definitely sounds familiar. Don't forget those phone calls to one's significant other blaming them for all of the time they spend with said person on weekends when surely they should have been encouraged to revise well in advance... And then you break down into a crying mess apologizing for making you life's mistakes seem like someone else's fault.
Angry medic you sold out...Nah just kidding. Do you want me to change the link addy on my blog to .com or leave it as it is?
oi you! you made the petinent promise of coffee, and i'm here thinking what am i doing with my life, theres something missing - coffee! you should be saying 'sorry ash'
lol. let me know when your free and i'll come by your room :)
Little Medic: Whoa! How DO you respond to comments so quickly? I swear I commented on your blog a few minutes before yours appeared, and at an unearthly hour too.
Jason: Argh...I can't find your blog anymore, so I'm just gonna up and ask you to give it to me. GIMME! It's still Phantasmagoric Abstractions isn't it?
(Oh, and I got the domain name on the cheap. Hunted around a bit.)
Asha: Woohoo! Not only is there someone out there who actually reads this stuff, but that someone's also as lazy as I am at favouriting pages! I feel much better now :)
Medstudentitis: ...uhm, oh-kayyyy... heh. I kid. I know just how you feel, fortunately my other half is really the sweetest and most understanding thing on earth.
And if you're that involved, why does your blog say you're a 'lonely' medstudent, immediately followed by a pic of you cuddling up to your significkey other? Bit of a juxtaposition innit? Unless it's long-distance, of course. (I'll shut up now.)
Harry: *high-pitched indignant whine* I didn't! I'm still hosting it on Blogger, I just got a domain name and forwarded. Nah, you can keep your bookmark as it is, the domain name's just for advertising purposes (Im saving up for a billboard, see.) In other news, you're ALIVE! Haven't heard from you in months, mate.
Ash: *wide-eyed Puss in Boots look* sowwee Ash :( ooh, you'll drop by my room, eh? There's a Costa just down the road actually. But I'm cramming for Pharm and may start yapping about caffeine and methylxanthines and adenosine...
(reminds you of another nerdy medic rather...close to you, doesn't it? rawr.)
My boyfriend lives in a different city, which I guess is better than when he lived in a different country on a different continent. Thankfully I'm blissfully home while I write this and have a whole 4 months of domestic contentment ahead of me (otherwise called summer vacation).
Hehe, I go through the deeply introspective moments too ("I wonder whether pure distilled water actually has a taste or not? If not, how do we recognise it? Because it doesn't?")
I tend to get through lethal amounts of caffeine. I should consider cannulating myself and hooking myself up to an IV infusion of it.
I tend to get through large amounts of caffeine too when I study.
I also find that I cannot possibly revise until I have just the right pen and have bought some new kind of stationary, and then tidied the house. Which obviously causes a large delay....
And there's nowt wrong in buying a domain name and bouncing it to blogger. www.merysjones.co.uk works fine for me!
lol - 'close to me' i wonder which intepretation of the phrase you're intending....
I accidentally found out that you had a new domain name when I acidentally typed in angrymedic.com awhile ago... luckily it directed me to this page and not a website full of midget porn... luckily.
maybe you should put some midget porn in, angry medic, to make things "interesting"... lol
That sounds just like me.. the blubbing down the phone, the questioning the career.. Looks like I'm not the only weirdo!!
Thanks for that!!
Hope you feel better and exams go ok. Maybe you should make someone take your computer game away to help you revise!
Adam: Midget porn? Good Lord, man, what sorta sites have you been visiting? And how'd you know I like midget porn?
(As a PHRASE, I mean. It was in my Medics Revue. I'm, uh, not a weirdo.)
Emirin: Whoa. Naughty naughty! Pervert.
SkinnyMinny 8: What are you, psychic? That's precisely what I did. I've already written off today's Pharm mock because I had yet another one of those 12-hour gaming sessions. Take it away, please, take it away!
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