4 days into lockdown, and what great worldview-revolutionising truths have I learnt?
I have forgotten how to revise.
Lord give me strength to stay in this library without going back to my room to nap every 2 hours...
(And if any of you med students out there have any revision tactics to drop off, now would be a good time too. Especially if you want my eternal gratitude for any reason.)
(To all you pervs wanting to know who the newscaster chick is: she's the French news icon Melissa Theuriau. --Ed)
it isn't how many hours you study; it's what you do with those hours.
you will need more than strength to pull through... perhaps a call from that french beauty? :P
I'm a hypocrite for saying this, but group studying might help. At least you won't bore yourself to death if someone else is around.
(though technically, I hate studying in groups. It just doesn't work for me. It might for you though)
I used to go to a library which was a good 20 minute walk from my flat. That way I had to stay in the library unless I had a particularly good reason for going home.
Also, at our medical library if you weren't there when they opened the doors at 8.30am, you wouldn't get a table to study at.
hmm.. maybe u shud take ur nap in ur library and then freshen up to study there...
good luck revising.. i used to sleep in the library while i study..
COFFEEEEEE. that really really works for me! and the occassional walking around and talking to friends. and thumping music and frequent toilet breaks. aieeee. but coffee was the magic answer! =D
oh man how i empathise with you. i've just ended exams so i know the horrors of trying to revise. eurghhhh it's my least favourite time of the year! =(
It still sounds like you study more than I did as a student!
Top tip: get some old exam papers, preferably last years ones..
try to do them.. before having done ANY revision.
Realise that you can't answer any of it- even the stuff you thought you knew!
FREAK OUT Bigtime!!
Call your friends, convince yourself they have learnt far more than you, imagine the horrific exam paper, with this extra motivation:
lock yourself in your room and study study study. When your mind begins to wander, look at scary exam paper again...#
No.. really, don;t do that.. that was me, and I did well, but its the way to lose your sanity.
True tips: Revise what you think will come up based on past papers and do some weird topics that have never come up that may be due.
Revise stuff that will get you the most marks in the exam for the least effort on you to learn. If its hard and a minor part of the exam.. leave it out in case you have extra time later.
Vary topics, stuff you like and stuff you hate.
Review all u revise periodically or you'll forget it.
When u are bored, do multiple choice questions.
Eat well, sleep well, and do some exercise... you really need it.
Mnemonics rule.
Internet has loads of revision stuff on it - much more interesting way to revise than books.
Leave stuff like pharm to the end cos u'll just forget all the diddy terms if you do it too early. But do check out anatomy earli-ish or u could freak out.
Chill, its only an exam.. you passed before, you'll pass again.
and if all fails.. get ANGRY (drives motivation) thats one I'm sure u can manage!
Sure u'll do fab, good luck :)
My tip-
lots of Irn-bru and boost bars.
DMS, your teeth will drop out before you graduate.
Devise a revision schedule. Divide up the time between now and the exam(s) into revision periods. Allow adequate time for eating, sleeping, and also relaxation. Timetable in some social events. I went to see Genesis (Trick of the Tail tour) during revision for one set of med school exams. Then allocate topics to the revision periods available. I would suggest each period no longer than 3 hours, stop for 10 minutes every hour.
Test yourself on what you've learned rather than just reading it again.
Remember that you won't actually fail to qualify unless you cause structural damage to the medical school or sleep with the Dean's daughter.
I thought sleeping with the dean's daughter was OK; it's sleeping with the dean's son that's the problem!
Usually I would suggest a nap to clear your mind and refocus.. but that might not apply here.
I'm a stationary geek like Calavera. New fountain pen, new paper and new highlighters. Never fails.
Make a study schedule. Once you discover that you have to do revise 6 lectures a day (at 3 hours of revision per lecture) in order to be prepared for exams, you'll scare yourself into studying. Trust me - it works. I did it myself today, and I am officially afraid and working like an Oxford med student.
Making a fancy revision schedule will fill a few hours if you do it right! When you don't stick to it you can always make a revised one for another few hours.
Also record your own voice reading revision notes, fall asleep listening to yourself and get ready for the most mundane dreams of you life. You never know, some of it may stick??
It worked for my BSc!
Apparently I'm a perv. Thanks a lot.
18 hours = too much.
8 hours of good quality revision backed up by lots of practice questions will be more than enough to pass.
Good luck and CHILL OUT!
Aw thanks guys. This helped, it really did. Plus it'll come in real useful the next time my tutor starts on me with the old "Really, Angry, what benefit do you get out of blogging?" speech ;)
Oh dear, I feel so sorry for you Angry! Look, motivate yourself with the fact that you HAVE to get through this year, because next year you get set loose in AN ACTUAL HOSPITAL (you know, those places where you have patients?) and you get to do CLINICAL STUFF!
Seriously, I feel your pain, I'll have to begin my revision soon too! Do take care of yourself!
I gotta go with 'coffee', too. Tea has never cut it for me.
(Arguably, we may not know much about how to make a great cup of tea on this side of the pond.)
Oh man, "revision" I love it. The word, not the act.
I doubt I have an study tips that would be of any help. Especially since I don't know what you're revising. (Did I use that correctly?)
Good Luck though. I know the pains all too well.
Not eating junk food is also great for staying focused. Everything always seems clearer when you're not downing lots of sugary and high fat foods.
She is cute.............hmmmmm. i am sure u would not get a lot of studying done with her around.
What study???
Then again... I'm only in IB right now...
a year more, then medic school, here I come...
But IB alone is SUPER STRESSFUL !!!
How do I maintain the ability ( and sanity ) to study???
1. Listen in class...
2. Study by yourself ( never do group study, it sucks, You'll be chatting half the time... )
3. Write own Notes ( but for me, if you can get them from some place else, don't bother rewriting the same thing... TWOT... )
4. Gym... I don't know bout you guys, but gym actually keeps me awake, I feel happier ( maybe due to the overload of endorphins... )and study better...
I know...
But it works for me!!!
i know what it feels like to have to study but dont know where to start. even the thought of trying to remember everything makes me freak out then i cant remember anything at all. see even know thinking about it im going all weird. ahhhhh
"But IB alone is SUPER STRESSFUL !!!"
IB is easy. quit complaining.
Xavier Emma: Really? Dangit. I'm overdosing on crisps and chocs right now. Maybe that's why nothing's going in?
Easy Man: Thanks for the advice man. They're cliches cos they work, prolly :) Gym? Oh. Uhm, I might have trouble with that one (see above response :P)
Dan: Unfortunately, Easy Man's right on this one, man. The medicine 1B is way harder than the engineering 1B. It's in the Guinness Book of World Records. Now why didn't they tell us this BEFORE we accepted the offer?!
oh, and drinking from the far side of the cup apparently helps with memory ;)
he's talking about IB as in International Baccalaureate.
damn, the news anchor is hotter than me!
why are you saying that you are me? T.T
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