Okay. So I haven't exactly been blogging as frequently as I promised. (Understatement of the Year Award. --Editor) I've tried coming back here and there, and I've tried writing shorter posts instead, but the real reason I stopped blogging is a lot simpler. In fact, it's five words.
I became a real doctor.
Yes, after years of pretending to be a doctor in medical school, years of looking forward to finally putting "Dr" in front of my name and not being a piece of unwanted furniture on ward rounds, I actually graduated and got a real job. (If you hear a distant "thump", don't worry. It's just the sound of all my medical school professors fainting in shock. -- Ed.) I finally got my orientation, joined the workforce, and became responsible for the lives of hundreds of patients who rely on me as their first line of defense against every illness known to mankind.
It scared the shit out of me.
How I feel every day. You may think I'm joking. I'm not.
To be honest, it completely overwhelmed me. For my entire first year, life was little more than work, eat and sleep. My already ridiculously poor time management skills withered to nothingness, I lost touch with friends and family, and I sometimes slept in the hospital to save travel time. (Yes kids! All the horror stories you heard when you first decided to do medicine? Totally true. MWAHAHA! Seriously, go to law school instead. --Ed.)
But the reason I started this blog is because I thought since my life is so full of misery, I might as well share that misery with other people and entertain them a little. So even while I was suffering, all these stories built up in the back of my mind, and it wasn't long before I felt the urge to write again. But then I remembered the second reason I stopped blogging:
I was scared of being discovered.
Anybody who's read this blog for a few years (that's like, three people now, I'm sure --Ed.) knows that I've lost fellow bloggers and friends who shut down their blogs because of pressure from work. And every doctor owes confidentiality to their patients. Even though I change details of all my patient stories on this blog so that none of them can be identified, I am not anonymous. I know patients' relatives who've googled my name and found this blog. And I'll admit it. I'm scared the same pressure that shut down other blogs might force me to close shop too.

But in the end the reason I'm writing this is the same reason I started this blog; the same reason anyone starts a blog or a Twitter account or even a Facebook note. I love to write. And working as a doctor gives you PLENTY of things to write about, even if they're just bad jokes about patients throwing up repeatedly all over their doctors' brand new Padini shirts. (Not that I'd know anything about that. Cough. --Ed.)
It's been over two years since I've been a real doctor. And how do I feel about it now?
It's still terrifying every day.
Hello Doc. What's up? LOL
Work demands do take a toll on writing, blogging, reading, socializing...
It takes effort to have "work-life balance", the golden mantra that everyone is elusively chasing, like finding the end of the rainbow.
At the end of the day, it's not about dividing your time for different things, it's actually about you being who you want to be.
A doctor that have no time blogging, is no less of a doctor. A doctor who do have time to blog funny-to-death (pun intended) stuff, is also no less of a doctor, but maybe a bit of a blogger.
Chill out and do whatever you feels like doing. I'll be notified regardless if there's a new update... :P
Hello Doc. What's up? LOL
Work demands do take a toll on writing, blogging, reading, socializing...
It takes effort to have "work-life balance", the golden mantra that everyone is elusively chasing, like finding the end of the rainbow.
At the end of the day, it's not about dividing your time for different things, it's actually about you being who you want to be.
A doctor that have no time blogging, is no less of a doctor. A doctor who do have time to blog funny-to-death (pun intended) stuff, is also no less of a doctor, but maybe a bit of a blogger.
Chill out and do whatever you feels like doing. I'll be notified regardless if there's a new update... :P
I can relate to the feeling of being overwhelmed by work and finding it hard to balance other aspects of life.
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