Monday, April 16, 2012

I'll Be Right Back

So this place has turned into a bit of a graveyard since I went abroad, but I'm back and sleeping off my jet lag like the lazy ass I am finishing my next few blog entries. I've got quite a few stories to tell (which only means I've been through a lot of misery and want to share it with you guys like the generous giver that I am --Editor) including views on the British National Health Service, my aunt's cat (no, seriously) and how on my flight home I got slapped by an old lady.

Again.'s a long story. Bear with me folks, I'll be right back.


  1. Well de well, back are we? Sorry to hear about you gettin' slapped...again...

  2. Prickatron: Two things:
    1. Yes, I am back. And the slowly growing hand-shaped bruise on my left cheek thanks you for your sympathies.

    2. you, sir, have just won Most Awesome Commenter Name Ever. Seriously. That delay between you posting and me replying? That was just me laughing.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Oh btw, I never knew you personally replied to comments. Most popular bloggers tend to 'watch from above'. Kudos to my good sir. Glad you liked the name by the way - (its cause I am a Prick, and I like Megatron from transformers, u do the math...).

  5. Anonymous9:59 pm

    sorry to be a noob, but whats a meme?

  6. Anonymous1:32 am

    Hmmm...these slaps coming from ladies seem to be occuring frequently. Maybe you could blog about the things you did to deserve them under the title 'The Gospel according to Angry Medic'. Just goin' with the Jesus theme here...

  7. Prickatron: Me, a "popular" blogger? HAHAHAHAHA

    Oh thanks for the laugh. I needed that. And yeah I try and reply personally when I can (read: when I'm not a lazy ass). Thanks for the email and it wasn't mean at all (I shave my head okay! I, uh, have hair when I want it! No seriously.)

    ZOMG-Needs-An-Education-ASAP Anonymous: OHMAIGAWD. Okay don't panic, I'm calling a nice remedial school for you right now. They'll give you a proper education. *picks up phone* Hey Bob, grab Matt and James, get three crates of beer and head over to this guy's place. It's gonna be a looooooooong night.

    Haha seriously though, this is the Wikipedia definition, and this is where you go to see lovely, lovely examples and spend hours and hours.

    Religious Anonymous: ROFL oh I'm sure that gospel wouldn't last long before it was ripped out, burned, vaporised and blasted into space by angry priests. I already have my university after my blood, you want the Vatican on my ass too?

  8. Anonymous8:11 pm

    oh, you liked the gospel reference did you? You, my good sir, have an excellent sense of humour. I would have thought that six years in a uptight univeristy would have beaten that out of you. The endurance of your humour is remarkable. Oh btw, both the anonymous were me, (your sincere Prickatron) - did you really think three people commented on one day? hehehe bless. This stupid comment system delets my comments everytime I press submit and tells me to login again, so this is just plain easier.
