Thursday, February 02, 2012

So I'm A Junior Doctor, Now What?

Yes, that's right, I'm now ACTUALLY a real doctor (Am I dreaming? Is this real? Pinch me! Wait, you're female? Pinch me, lowwwerrrr...what's that you say? Kids and my parents read this blog? Oh HARHAR, only joking. Hi mom! --Editor) and I have to admit, it's not...exactly what I thought it would be (As in, there's no marching importantly onto the ward banging through double doors or sex three times a night in an on-call room. Kids, if you're thinking about doing medicine because you saw an episode of Grey's Anatomy, STOP NOW. Go become investment bankers. --Ed).

Things are a little busy around the house now so I won't be typing my mega-long and totally super-interesting and funny post on what I'm doing after med school, but I do have a blog post series coming up about nurses* and how they can't keep their hands off me have affected my life as a poor bastard medical student, for better and for worse. I did however discover this blog post from the Militant Medical Nurse about junior doctors and why you should shower them with tender loving care:
I had some real bad days as an NHS staff nurse. I felt like the stress and frustration would kill me. But there was a never a day where I felt like I would rather be a Junior Doctor.
 Damn straight, Militant Nurse. (Can I call you MillieNurse? MILFyNurse? No? Okay I'll shut up now. --Ed.)

I've always been a big fan of nurses, and recently they've played a bigger part in my professional and personal life than usual. But I know they don't always get along. It's nice to see one of em sympathising with us**.

*coming up soon on The Angry Medic/Doctor/Whatever the hell I am - what medical school doesn't tell you about nurses! How I manage to piss off a nurse! How I manage to piss off a non-nurse by calling her nurse! Okay so maybe that last one doesn't require much explanation.

**okay, so in her very next post she also says "But once they [doctors] get past the level of "junior" I just want nothing to do with them." It's a, um, love-hate relationship...


  1. dr wannabe10:35 am

    damn straight...I dunno why people dont pity jr doctors more...

  2. Shrinked Immaculate: NOOOOO now you sound like all my aunts whenever I go to family gatherings. Next time I'm just gonna walk around in a skintight pink spandex wetsuit slapping guy's butts as I pass by. That'll keep them off my back.

    Dr Wannabe: YES. THANK YOU!

  3. Anonymous12:39 pm

    I'm an RN and I always feel bad for the jr docs. I am always nice to them! I see their tired faces and treat them kindly. Good luck to you!

  4. Anonymous RN: OMG. I LOVE YOU FOREVER. Seriously, just today I was treated really nicely by a nurse who got something I couldn't get from a doctor. You guys are the mafia, seriously.
