Brand new year! Full of energy, I walk into my hospital's locker room on my first day, brimming with love and joy and the desire to help as many patients as possible. My mind full of all the reasons I chose medicine and all the ways I can make humanity better today, I walk to my locker and see this:

Thankfully even a mince-pie-addled idiot like me knew better than to leave anything in it over the holidays. As I turn away I see this pasted on the back of the door, along with some astute medical student's scribbled warning underneath:

Nice of them to give us warning though, isn't it?
LOL! Ah that cheered me up a bit - still sad about being rejected from Camb though. Now back to watching Greys ...
At least it sounds like you have the right attitude. Something like this starts the day off wrong, hell yeah, but you had bigger and better things to accomplish and I'll bet you did.
Enjoying your blog and seems like I was just there going through the same thing (in the states, though). Good Luck.
reminding me of my locker ...
It has a fire wall that nobody can hack it :D
Cheers from an Iraqi medical student *_^
i guess we should start putting alarms in lockers..
I think it's a hospital thing - they wouldn't let us in the ENT department after is was pillaged and much fuss was made about security. Given that all the doors are keypaded, I think it was an angry orthodontist fed up of people disparaging secretaries. Apparently the real culprit was caught on CCTV and was a random interloper (much like the random tramp we found in the ultrasound toilet once).
Mind you, for all hospital security sucks when it comes to theft, I think I am unique in being locked out of my office due to an overly security conscious medic. They had to break the door down...
so if you were to boobytrap your locker every new year's eve, we'd catch the culprit? or at least injure him/her? :P
They plan a robbery every January?? And damage property to prove a point??
Hi Angry,
Hope you didn't lose anything...important........Stop that! i mean like your stethescope or your Sponge Bob something!
Be well, be happy,
Stop whining. The notice of the planned robbery has been posted for over 3 months.
It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying "Beware of the Leopard".
ho hum... back to work! you should leave a note to the robbers in it next xmas, always be prepared is my motto
Hmm. This blog appears to be eating up my reply comments. My fault for not feeding it in so long I suppose...
Lockers are meant to be broken into. Yes, trust me.
just be glad they give adequate warning for all but the most oblivious to get and heed warning to not have their possessions stolen. and good luck to beginning the new semester on a good note. as always your blog is wonderful to read even after forgetting to check for all the break between semesters.
its crazy lockers are ment to keep your stuff safe, otherwise we might as well leave our valuables on the floor
I just stumbled across your blog....this is exactly what I need being a second year medico (US) in the World's most boring medschool ever.....hilarious! I'm placing you in one of my homepage tabs!!
BTW, is that your sketch in the background? If they are your lecture hall notes then I totally hear ya.
Where the fuck have you gone now? Its been like 7 months since your last actual medically related post. Come on pull your finger out mate or get rid of the blog
I'm suprised you haven't commented on Dr Crippen's retirement yet...
I know you're an angry medic, but your posts always spot-on hilarious.
Aww thanks! I've been censored a little recently :(
@ Dr. Grumpy: But we absolutely NEEDED that hyperspace bypass...
(matter transference beam is) rather unpleasantly like being drunk.
What's so unpleasant about being drunk?!?
Ask a glass of water...
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