As a medical student you get used to a feeling of power very quickly. Striding down the hospital hallways, stethoscope draped prominently across your shoulders and an important look on your face, patients and staff make way for you, reverent looks on their faces. There is an implicit trust across the consultation room table, even though the only lives you're going to save anytime soon are those of your greedy intestinal bacteria as you choose which sandwich you're going to have for lunch.
It is with full awareness of this trust that I bring to you these vignettes from med school. I've only been on the wards one week, but have managed to piss off two consultants, three janitors and one VERY large clinical teaching co-ordinator who may or may not have been the local wrestling champion in her original village in Africa. Stay tuned for more faith-reinforcing tales like this:
On Tuesday afternoon, three supposedly world-class medical students in a supposedly world-class university stand in the hallway of a supposedly world-class hospital. Their brows are furrowed in intense concentration, as if lives hung in the balance of their deliberations. Thick textbooks are clutched in their hands. The conversation goes something like this:
"Hey dudes. You watch House, right?"

"Um yeah. Why?"
"Cause here comes Asian Cuddy. Act natural."
"Dude, why're you using that textbook to cover your--"
Three supposedly world-class medical students, between them holding degrees in Cardiology, Surgery & Anaesthesia and Experimental Psychology, whistle nonchalantly as the Clinical Teaching Co-ordinator walks by, smiling sweetly as she chats on the phone.
"Dude that did NOT look like Cuddy."
"It so totally DID! Did you see the cleavage on that one?"
"Meh...I see the resemblance. But-- ooh she dropped a pen. She's bending over!"
Silence for a moment.
"NOW she looks like Dr Cuddy."
More silence.
"Hey, didn't surgical rounds start like ten minutes ago?"
You probably already know about this but in case you don't, there's a great website which reviews the medical accuracy of each episode
So now, we definitely can revise by just sitting back and oling Cuddy's cleavage HA!
Kendra: LOL aha! Now who's stalking whom?
Kenny: Dude. Stop trying to find ways to learn medicine without doing any actual reading! (That's MY job.) Now go do some work :)
You're some funny dude! Love your blog!
"... she's bending over..."
i guess doctors, no matter how world class they are... are humans after all.
Classic stuff Angry... classic stuff...
...zewt: well "-human" IS in "superhuman" after all...! :-P
i love you so much, Angry! i wish you could be this old lady's physican when you finish. (ugh, did that sound kinda gross? Sorry.)
Miguel: Aww dude now you made me blush. How am I gonna catch those hot nurses now? Not macho, man, not macho! :)
Zewt: OMG you're alive! And LOL that's why I said "supposedly" world-class. My lecturers like to think so anyway. Cough.
Ms Ellisa: LOL woman where you been? My stalking of you has not been up to standard lately has it :P And well spotted, 'human' IS in 'superhuman'. So's 'subhuman', which is what one patient called me this week...
Momma Tracy: Aww no that's not gross at all...though you might regret it when you see my impressive collection of malpractice lawsuits! ;)
Once, to get a particularly annoying drug rep to leave, I asked her if her company allows it's female reps to wear bikinis to work.
It worked. She hasn't been back yet. And my staff is delighted.
female scientists can be hot too... there's this particular one that does salsa and has a damn tight bottom. woo hoo.
i hope she doesn't read this or i'll get my bottom spanked.
oh wait that's not a bad thing
ah, so this is the other kind of effect of watching House. lol.
LOL. The one way to guarentee not acting natural in that situation is by telling someone to "Act NATURAL!". ;)
"may or may not have been wrestling champion in her original village in Africa."
I guess your post explains this trend...
SHIT!!! Men all over the worlds are SAME!! lol
hey every one i just wanted to ask wether iz science field hard or easy,interesting or kind of waste of time !!! answer me fast ..
thank you
am realyy confused to choose between sci-commerce stream !!!!!!
hahaha i LOVE the lack of responses after the last two comments!
I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.
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