One of my favourite filmmakers, the talented indie film genius Yasmin Ahmad, has passed on.
Her films were often controversial and like so many geniuses throughout history, she endured censure from many quarters for daring to speak her mind; still others saw her genius and showered international praise on her work for being ahead of its time.
Her films have been screened and praised at film festivals all across the world: Cannes, Berlin, San Francisco, Singapore, Tokyo, the Créteil International Women's Film Festival ; you name it, she's been there. And been applauded. And been told her work is visionary.
Yasmin Ahmad passed away with the same drama that sadly plagued her whole life: whilst recording a program for national television, she suffered a stroke and slumped forward in her chair, motionless. She was rushed to hospital and successfully thrombolysed, but sadly succumbed to intracranial haemorrhage 48 hours later.
Her first breakout film was filmed in my old school. We all developed a special affinity for her, and she never let us down, even in the face of censure and resistance.
Another shining star in the international arts scene has been extinguished. She will be missed.
So sorry, Angry. Her films sound like the type that i would like. What were some of your favorites? They sound Middle Eastern and i am very interested in the Middle East.
Hope you are well.
These are Malaysian multi-cultural films, Tracy. She did some cute and heart-felt commercials too (her day job was creative director for an advertising company). Just YouTube 'Yasmin Ahmad commercials'.
Angry M, I will miss her too. She was a true muhibbah Malaysian - so compassionate, loving and gently humorous.
Thank you so much, Argus Lou, i really appreciate you information! Must investigate! Her work sounds lovely.
Momma Tracy: Aw thanks Momma Tracy. Nice to hear from you btw! I was beginning to think you'd given up on me finally :)
Argus Lou: OMG Argus! You're alive! And stalking me again! I don't think I've ever been more happy to be stalked by anyone before :)
Be careful, Angry. I found you on FB; one of these days you might receive a 'message' from me (cue: evil laughter echoing down the halls of Cambridge and your top-notch teaching hospital). :D
Do you NEVER reply to any messages except on here? It's getting tiring using it as a means to contact you.
Also, the blog is now up and running at
...now you can link to it like you promised! You can also assure readers that it will be of the same witty banter as your current masterpiece...although slightly more of a technical leaning, perhaps...
you exist! You are back!
I have a new blog about House Officer hell..
"the new house officer will see you now "
Please add it :D
Argus Lou: Dammit. Knew I shouldn't have torn up that restraining order! Ah well. I'll just get my drinking buddy Tony Fernandes to monitor all AirAsia flights coming in, shall I? ;)
Happy Feet Enthusiast: Hey, I texted you back, woman. Ooh, the world-famous blog is up, eh? About time my long years enduring you started paying off. Where's my flight ticket? ;)
Posy: I am! And I've started working at hospital, which means more not-so-funny tales about my misadventures :( Ooh, a new blog! I'm going over now. You'll regret telling me; restraining orders are expensive these days you know.
Air Asia doesn't fly from Switzerland to the UK, does it?
Don't worry; I'll keep in the background. But if you see any dandelions around, it's a sign I'm following you. ;-)
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