(Apologies in advance for those of you arriving at this post from Google expecting a discreet dating service or Thailand travel agents. Not that I can't tell you about both, including which massage parlours to avoid - gonorrhoea's a bitch. --Editor)
If you've been reading the comments on my last post, you'll have heard that the Unprotected Text blog has mysteriously disappeared without explanation. There's a comment on my last post by an anonymous visitor announcing the worst:
I've (sic) very sorry to report that the author of 'Unprotected Text' blog tragically died earlier this week in a road accident. His family requested the blog be taken down, and this was done so in accordance to their wishes. My thoughts are with them this week.A couple of other commenters, who seem to know Unprotected Text's author and refer to him by name (which the above bad-news bear doesn't), have found no sign of this being the case. I hope he's okay - sometimes shit just happens to bloggers and they have to stop blogging. (Or, as in my case, you're so lazy you have sloths protesting outside your door for putting their species to shame. --Ed.)
This reminds me of the Dr Crippen death hoax last year, which I covered in this post, and which was revealed when Dr Crippen suddenly came back to life, becoming the world's first zombie doctor. The culprit was a disgruntled nurse who took offense at his nurse-bashing ways and took advantage of the good doctor's writer's block/holiday/meltdown. Things ended well there though (well, except that I slaved for hours on Photoshop to create this masterpiece for him and he didn't even mention it. Ungrateful old man. All I wanted was a little love, daddy! *cocks gun*)
Any news on Unprotected Text's status would be appreciated. Coming up: Christopher Lee FINA-friggin-LLY gets knighted, and I reveal my fetish for old British men. Completely unrelated posts, of course. Cough.

artistic brilliance! What's that you say? Your Indonesian maid could
do better and she just learnt to use Photoshop yesterday? Oh screw you.
Very odd. When I first heard I asked on TSR - http://www.thestudentroom.co.uk/showthread.php?t=951379 if anyone had heard about Harry. Seems like he's alright. Several Barts students responded and says he seems to be alright.
I've just spoken to him via e-mail and he's fine. Shame on whoever started that rumour.
Love ya, Angry!
Thanks, XE ! :)
Momma Tracy: aww thanks Momma, it's so nice to hear from you! Haven't seen you in a while - thought you'd forgotten me :P
Yep he's okay :)
Awwwww, my sweet Angry, i could n e v e r forget my "first born"...you make me smile! :)
So... why did he shut down the blog without a word then??
Curious Cat Anonymous: Good question. I'd email him to find out, but I'm off on holiday with precious little Internet time, so I'll get on it when I get back.
In the meantime, tons of people seem to have contacted him, so anyone?
P.S. Rumour-mongering bastards. Does every blogger who doesn't update for a while have to have been hit by a bus? In that case I'd be writing this from Hell*.
*Not an unsuitable name for medical school, actually.
Just not right to spread rumors like that. These people should be banned from posting.
I've contacted him too, he is okay.
That rumor was just an awfully distasteful joke.
That was not flipping funny at all.
[realise this is not your fault Angry medic but felt awful for a moment].
I am going to hug the life out of him next when I see him and he is going to be very puzzled.
NO DEY! thats all i see! NO DEY.. DEY DEY! lol
The dissapearance of Uptext was an accident, a quote from HM:
"I didn't delete my blog on purpose, I meant to remove the google mail account not the entire google account, and learnt the hard way that in doing so the blog became unsalvagable!
I'm considering starting a new blog come clinics later this year."
So we wait in hope...
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