President Abraham Lincoln would be proud.
A glimpse of how Cambridge feels today:
"Great blogsite you have. Like Grey's Anatomy" -- Patrick Teoh , Actor & Radio Personality
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I don´t know if too much euphoria could lead to "mania" and then pernicious side-effects (unfulfill expectations) because things are tough.
Neverthless, Viva Obama!
yeh that's true, I think people are expecting too much of him
yeh that's true, I think people are expecting too much of him "St Obama approacheth" etc etc
i'd admit the guys a good preacher, but how can people really expect him to be the superhero they make him out to be. i mean he could read at a funeral and people will still get spurred up if he used that tone of voice.
Anon at 7.31pm...
Yeah, I second that.
Voice, words, looks. Americans just love an act. Give them anything to believe in. Even illusions.
Ok, that said, gotta give him a chance sans that public mask...
glad to see you have obama fever as well
here's something to help with your medical school
delusion delusion delusion.
ain't that what makes america for what it really is? the land of dreams?
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i'm certain i'm no longer in that febrile state, though thank goodness =P
happ chinese new year everyone
I really don't get the hype. It's kind of over done. Kenya has like an entire public holiday dedicated to him. Coming soon: obama beer, obama au de parfum, obama hairspary, obama diagnostic set. . .
I say good for him but doubt he's going to save us all.
i can totally see an obama game sphere
I have news for ya, he isn't the promised Messiah. Deception...
Genevieve i love your pic...v e r y cool.
you're drying up again angry...
erummmmm....did you know peons like me can't get in to "MedScape" anymore...? grrrrrrr. Sigh. Hi Angry.
i'm sorry this totally off topic, i was wondering if any of you could tell me how a surgeons life is in terms of social life? do they have enough time for family? what are the typical working hours? also why are some surgeons at John Radcliffe hosp so arrogant?
weih... update lah. im sure u got snowed under
have you moved to twitter or something?
It was so great to be an American (again)!
stop dancing and start writing.
oi update lah
ehhh why no update one
also, we trashed oxford in shooting two days and two varsities in a row. be proud.
heh, i like him too, but time for a new picture, no?
You should also change your banner. I reckon a picture of Big Ben will substitute the Chaples behind you perfectly...
Nice post and very useful information to share with the readers that's cool,i was wondering if any of you could tell me how a surgeons life is in terms of social life?
Just found your blog (27 Jun 09) but I have to disagree. Lincoln would probably roll in his grave knowing what Obama is proposing and has gotten through.
Thank goodness - the American people are realizing that the "Emperor has no clothes."
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