teaching hospital in London.
London! The financial centre of the world. A city bustling with life, teeming with people from all walks of life, headed towards all sorts of destinies. A metropolis full of excitement, dreams, possibilities, adrenaline--
-- and one clueless medical student who can't read a Tube map to save his life. (Literally. Who knew that chavs liked to beat up clueless-looking people wandering around in Cambridge University hoodies? And why the hell did they call me a "toff"? I don't even like toffee. --Ed.)
So I'm in London, situated at a top teaching hospital and finally in the thick of the good ol' socialist NHS. For simplicity's sake (and because I have fewer comedy ideas than Will Ferrell on a good day), I shall refer to my hospital as Stalingrad General Hospital from now on. (refer to above mind-bogglingly brilliant Photoshopped picture. Who needs sex when you have Photoshop? Who's with me? Huh? HUH? No not you David Schwimmer, you're just ugly. --Ed.)
Two months into clinical school, I have managed to acquaint myself with nearly every personality of note (and their respective bootprints, which have all become very good friends with my ass) in Stalingrad General, and for simplicity's sake (and because I have fewer comedy ideas than Prince Philip on a really, really good day) I shall refer to them all as they appear in the following Who's Who in Stalingrad General Hospital:

So there we go - a small sampling of the crazy characters perpetrating the wide-screen madness that goes on daily at my clinical school. (Boy, the stories I have for you! And I haven't even introduced the nurses yet.) Stay tuned*!
*Anybody (and I mean ANYBODY) who makes the ol' tuning-fork-neurological-exam joke at this point gets to be the first subject in my clinical trial to test whether humans can feel tuning-fork vibrations in the inner rectum, okay?
Oh, this is just so funny, just as well I had finished my orange juice....
I particularly liked your use of appropriate avatars for the different characters about which you write. (Can't possibly "use a preposition to end a sentence with" when writing to a Cambridge graduate, now can I?
Just read your first two posts and I am glad the medical world is going to have least one other feeling human in their ranks. Not many of them there (tho my own go is fantastic). Long term patients need a sense of humour too. Or a gun.
Respiratory Surgery. Good one. What about cosmetic surgery?
In case you're wondering, i still miss you.
Hohoho, so someone is still alive, huh? So much for calling me before flying. *glares*
I hope this means you're going to update this thing a bit more frequently, now? Seeing how you don't have much productive things to do when you're bored and not in Cambridge, do you? (Not to put down your awesome hospital rounds, of course)
hey medic.... all the best. now u can really live a grey's anatomy type of life.
Oh, Angery, this entry is just tooo wonderful...it was especially wonderful to see "Black Adder" from his WW 1 Days and also remember the hilarious Hugh Laurie before he became all serious and grumpy "House" on us. This entry is among your very best and most hilarious...thank you, thank you! You are the bestest! (is too a word!)
See, an entry of your can bring even unexpected laughs...HA!
Bunches 'o love, Comrade tracy
Your writings are (well) worth straying away from 'real' work for and are a pleasant distraction from the dull- and mundaneness of medical student life. Please keep writing!
What hospital are you really at?
Oh man...you're not gonna start writing your posts in Latin or French or some other romance language that I slept through in high school, are you?
I like Jafar... :-D
Elaine: Haha glad about your orange juice too. I haven't learnt that particular lesson, and the Coke stains on my laptop's keyboard stare at me incriminatingly every day :P
Knitman: Oh wow, thanks for the kudos. And agreed on the sense of humour, though still thinking about the gun(especially since such patients have aimed many other equally harmful things at me).
hodilun: Ahaha I knew someone would get it. And cosmetic surgery? Touche good man! Oh and I'm home! Where are you?
Ballybuns: Oh har de har har, Emerson Cod. You're funny. Yeah I meant to call you before I left, but I'll be back real soon anyways. Yes this dump'll be updated more frequently - now say the same about YOUR blog, you lazy orc you.
Zewt: Whoa a visit from the great one himself! Thanks man :)
Comrade Tracy: Aww thanks again - and yes, I knew the Blackadder pic would bring back memories to some people.I loved that series, but discovered House before Blackadder - never knew Hugh Laurie could be slapstick-funny o_O
Keen Observer: Aww shucks, that ain't, uhm, me blushing or anything. Just tomato sauce smeared on my face. Yeah. Cough.
Inquisitive Anonymous: Yeah right. Oh wow, how'd you know I was born yesterday? Whilst I'm at it, shall I send you my home address, credit card number and bank details as well? It's no secret where I study, but I'd prefer not to publish it openly on my blog, thanks very much.
Greta: Say whut? LOL no danger of that, dear, the only Latin I know is the Hogwarts motto from Harry Potter (Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus - Never Tickle a Sleeping Dragon) :P
Ms Ellisa: Yeah he's my favourite Disney villain too! My clinical skills tutor isn't even Arabic, I just put his pic up there randomly (and to make future Photoshop pics humorous) :P
they are all quite slim. being big boss of a hospital must be good for health
Dan: It's all the stairs, man.
reeling...just reeling, what a sense of humor. Damn...
Just found you, thanks to The Paramedics Diary. My dogs were worried by my impression of a hysterical hyena (is there any other sort?). I also adore the sublime, oozing evil that is Jafar! Have fun!
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