After three long years of being stuck in lecture theatres, of getting minute biochemical facts that no one in the world bloody cares about (except for about three random overworked biochemists with no life and who haven't seen the outside of their labs for months) crammed into the very limited space in my head, of being sniggered at for getting questions wrong by pompous blowheads who take the sticks out of their arses once a month to have their monthly shits*, of seeing patients twice a year and staring at the floor when the old lady in front of you faints and someone shouts "Is anyone here a doctor?" --
-- after three years of all that, I am finally, FINALLY in clinical school.

And the urge to start writing again has been niggling at the back of my head like a kidney stone niggles at a ureter (hah! see? I actually know what those are now! --Ed.) Heck, even The Fake Doctor (formerly of Ah Yes Medical School) has started writing again. Unfortunately even my most loyal readers have started searching their newspaper's obituary pages for my name, so if I started writing the only people to read this for the first few months would probably be my parents, my pet cat, and the bird who drops by my window every morning to crap. But I've got too much wide-screen madness in my life not to document it so some suicidally depressed person can read it and think "Wow, my life isn't that bad after all!" Besides, if ever there was a comedy show it'd be my life, and the first episode would be titled 'My First Week In Medical School'. Which I'll talk about next post, if I can keep dodging the homicidal nurses, evilly grinning professors and angry patients that populate my hospital long enough to survive the next few days.
Happy Rosh Hashanah!
*(cos they're anal-retentive. Geddit?)
Wow... I'm surprised no one else commented on this, so yay me first! You should write more, and make me regret of not going to London too!
Still in the bubble or have you escaped to the big smoke?
congrats medic... errr... i mean doctor...
Thanks to my feed reader, it doesn't matter how long you're gone, I'll notice immediately when you come back.
So welcome back, and congrats, and if you write it, I'll read it!
yeah! Finally back!! Woohoo!!
Angry!!! You're back! And doing "real" medicine! Whoooo-Hooo!! i heart you...geddit????
(as you would say!) i am sooo glad to see you write again, my day has just improved 1000%!
"...there's no place like London."
Hearts and flowers, tracy
I've been compelled to comment for the first time since i began reading your blog,i thought you were dead i even had a little ceremony and all.
good to see your alive,even though you lied 'proper post in one week' my foot
Apparently not just your pet and family members. People who can't be bothered to remove your blog address from bookmarks are included too.
Congrats =)
Welcome along. Having hit the same point in January, I can assure that the first three years were worth it.
Eugene: Oh, write more I will, mm. Have my revenge on you, I WILL. Mm.
With-The-Lingo Anonymous: Big smoke baby! Get me a gas mask, will ya?
Zewt: Whoa whoa not yet man. Still 3 more years to go. I'm way too dangerous to be unleashed on patients just yet :P thanks for sticking around BTW bro.
A'Llyn: Aww, thanks. That was exactly the sort of sweet pick-up I needed. Some of my friends would call you crazy though :P
Tracy: LOL aww thanks Tracy. Yes, there's no place like London! Even with all the angry commuters and tube breakdowns and yelling patients :P And yes, I thought your 'I heart you' was funny as soon as I read it too :)
Manuel: Yeah yeah I know :P didn't you see the comments in my previous post though? It's all explained there. And this time I'm actually gonna be doing studying in my main time and blogging in my free time, and not the other way round anymore! Amazing isn't it? (No you can't have my therapists's number.)
Aki: *gasp* LIVE!
Zanchey: Thanks man. I'm starting to feel that way too. (Though I'm on Surgical Acute Week next week, so that may change!)
I'm reading you man. Please please do write. :) Welcome.
Nice and good news!
Congratulations, and welcome to the real world! You'll have tons to write about and I am looking forward to reading it. Bad news is clinics are much more stressful and physically taxing, but I have a feeling you'll enjoy it.
Thanks for the heads up on "Fake Doctor", have missed him too.
Hey, can pratice on me. Well, s o m e stuff...Ha! Like IV's and blood work and history taking... i heard that! Smirk.
I hope this will *not* diminish your angry nature ;)
hello, i'm the bird who drops by your window every morning to crap.
and i enjoy it.
whazzup doc... dei ur back!!! not technically.. great stuff here.. hope your parents read this and say..' well spend money on his degree!'
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welcome back.
Oh wow, I had totally given up on you ever coming back! I'm glad you're writing again :)
wow, finally updating i see!
here is a video that i watch all those times i wish you were here to bitch about stupid committee stuff.
and this too:
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