Apologies for picking up on this so late, I was off on holiday in Amsterdam. (No I did not smoke any weed, okay, and the incident with the Dutch police about the magic mushrooms, the break-in and the 70-year-old lady - well who the heck asked her to use a red light in her dressing-room window anyway?! --Editor)
I got back to blogging to find the NHS Blog Doctor saga in full swing. To summarise, Dr Crippen of NHS Blog Doctor went MIA and hasn't blogged for months (not that I'd know anything about that. Hey, why my nose getting longer? --Ed) and people started getting worried. Then some dude with the very imaginative and totally original nickname of 'Dr P' posts a comment on NHS Blog Doctor announcing Crippen's death (as detailed in my previous post), leading to the Royal Mail being overwhelmed by people posting flowers and condolences (and to me having a minor heart attack. Who is this Dr P fellow anyway? Sounds like a rapper wannabe. Someone please show him this video and let him rip his penis off wanking. --Ed)
Anyhoo, Dr C's friends the Devil, Mr Eugenides and Wat Tyler have come out to say that the doctor is indeed alive and well. Having not heard from Crippen himself though, this means the good doctor is both alive AND dead. Not having the requisite number of brain cells to comprehend this (and needing a good excuse to mess around with Photoshop) I have decided this means he is UNdead. The world's first zombie doctor blogger! (Dammit. There goes another item on my Life Ambitions list. --Ed)

Then Dr P, deciding he/she isn't done gettin' jiggy with it, posts a comment on Paul Linford's blog detailing his/her evil plot to fake Crippen's death. Wow, a rapper-wannabe AND a supervillain! Where's the Scooby Doo gang when you need them? In this comment, he/she reveals the awful truth-- he/she is a NURSE. *dum dum DUMMMM*
"I have crossed swords with the guy many times through his blog due to his supreme arrogance towards the many of us out there who do not hold, or want to hold, the title of 'doctor', yet do a generally good job of holding the NHS together."To me, this doesn't seem odd, because ol' Dr C isn't exactly known for being the biggest supporter of nurses. And this revelation can only mean more bad publicity for nurses and more venom being thrown at them by Dr C's supporters. 'Dr P' has done for good honest nurses what Osama bin Laden has done for millions of innocent peace-loving Muslims the world over - given them one heck of a bad image.
I can understand Dr P's venom at Crippen's years of nurse-bashing though. But don't you think wishing him dead is a little extreme?
i'll tell you what's extreme - equating dr p to osama bin laden. you give the wanker too much credit.
Right. The Nurse did it.
Mystery solved. Or maybe that's what The Nurse wants us to think...
*cue mystery theatre music*
And tasteless.
Well, the good news is that Dr Crippen is alive and that's all that will be left in the end of all this "saga"... That's what matters...
Amsterdam, eh?! You is lucky people. Very lucky people... Me misses Amsterdam... too much...
Which was your favorite? I'd go for Leidseplein...or Rembrandplein?? Dunno... Both!
Are you back this time?
And what does MIA stand for anyhow??
Should we put it next to your links too? -hope not
Internet trolls are like children having tantrums. Give them any attention and you wind up giving them what they want.
Whoever did it is clearly a tit, and certainly doesn't do nurses any favours (assuming he/she actually *is* a nurse - on track record, their word isn't exactly to be trusted). They're best ignored.
I think I've now said all I want to say on this subject over on Mental Nurse.
Wishing you Happy Holiday and a Great 2008.
Dear Angry Medic,
When can we slay the zombie doctors and destroy the evil nurse empire?
Prof Scrub the vampire slayer
My initial reaction to the "announcement" was: what a crock of shit. And my opinion has remained thus.
You get the picture
Kenny: dum dum DUMMM
But seriously, you're right. The debate elsewhere has come to the same conclusion. I don't think a nurse would do this to his/her own kind.
Ms-Ellisa: Ooh you've been to Amsterdam! Leidseplein was my favourite, but it's useless for nightlife...Rembrandtplein's the place for that. I liked Leidseplein better though, only because I didn't get arrested there. Ahem. (You don't wanna know.)
And MIA stands for Missing in Action...with any luck, I'll have enough discipline to keep at blogging for now. Otherwise hitting me on the head with a frying pan = YOUR JOB. My mom gave up and quit when I was 12... :(
Zarathustra: Well put old man. I've posted after your comment at Paul Linford's blog.
Dr Deb: Aww thanks! Your organised-ness amazes me. Merry Xmas and Happy Noo Yer to you too!
MissBliss: My mom always told me to trust a woman's instincts. What'd Little do without you? =) (Don't tell him I said that.)
Prof Scrub: Anytime you want, old man! I hear they're out on Christmas looking for a holiday bonus bodycount. Meet you at the Winchester? Bring the ectoplasm!
Did you go to that club they've got, that used to be a church? "Arena", I think...
Oh man- Amsterdam is so great!!!!
Merry XXX-mas ;-)
Yo Medic... Merry Christmas...
Merry Christmas dear one!
much love, tracy
my, you are an adventurous one, glad my "other" son is a homebody. but then, he's only 16...
I'm so confused. Anyway, sounds like he is alive and well which is good.
Have a very merry christmas dude.
Well isn't that special, another form of fake internet death. I have seen this more than once, and it is more than disturbing.
Though you may now enjoy this little gem of a video...
Great post AM! :)
I love Johnny Bravo...great show, great show. :)
You are so funny, AngryMedic! If you truly will blog more often I'll be checking in often. Missed you.
We all know what we think of this Dr P, so I don't need to comment on that tool.
But I will just say that I don't believe Dr Crippen ever engaged in "nurse bashing". he was very much against the dumbing down of healthcare, and the practitionerisation if healthcare (as am I). But he was hugely supportive of the excellent nurses who are actually nursing around the country (as am I).
Dr. Thunder
It is a very nice and great post and I like it.
I think it is just like to
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