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"Great blogsite you have. Like Grey's Anatomy" -- Patrick Teoh , Actor & Radio Personality
Chosen as cover blog for all blogs preserved online by the official British Library
"Already making waves. Great stuff so far" -- Dr John Crippen , NHS Blog Doctor
"One heck of a funny blog." -- Bloggy Award
Geddit? Or is it too obscure a reference?
Hahahahah. Have hope, man.
Unless of course, you're referring to the point about 10 seconds after this in the movie. In which case, congratulations.
Would it be:
"Once more unto the breech, dear friends, once more...
All the best!
errrm think I have the wrong movie, having looked at the post again, so will not risk making a fool of myself agai.
hang in there angry! i'm sure you did great! :)
Oooooohhh noooo, I don't "geddit"....please Angry, is this good or bad news? I soooooo hope it is good. Thinking of you always (when I'm not thinking of Dr. A G..... snick)
much love, "other mom", tracy
Hmm, I don't geddit, but I'm going to try to unscramble it...
me no geddit!
aww. maximus DID have the whole crowd cheering him on, you know?
I, for one, salute the Angry Medic's awe-inspiring fashion sense.
it is time to smother you with brown brown chocolate. yummmmmmm
brown like kuhan
Er... I completely don't get it.
Elaborate, please!
Ummm... what??? Explain please!
Waiting for a result, innit?
You did well because the crowd cheered you on and the popularity was too much to fight against.
your restraining order didn't work for me as i am anonymous.
because of this, i am strapping on the black leather and looking for a big whip.
*dish dush*
ANGRY! YOU BUM! that does not count as an update!!!
i dont get it.
it means so - so.
just like the SM session last night.
oh dear kuhan did have red hair. it is very troubling.
I was hoping for a more morbid interpretation. The power over life and death, alluding to what really happens while we’re under anesthesia. The auditorium audience gawks in excitement at our misfortune, then the bloodthirsty lions appear (I’m sorry the surgeons, rip and tear at our earthly, lovely bits), only to wake up and find yourself in a complete daze and flower petals sprinkled around you?
Blast, wrong again! “When you walk the line…” Wrong again?! This is why I never make any money off of those GMTV quizzes…
Huzzah for your pass...although, no one really won in that film. Rape, murder, incest, bloodthirsty lions, and slaves! Oh my! Although, I suppose it is better to stick with the basics...
i disagree. quintus won, he pwned everyone dude.
Hmm. I don’t ever remember who that was; the bulk of my vocabulary comes from The Sun, so unless you have their real names, I’m at a loss. Once again, down goes the trivia.
I won’t get into who really “won”, it was tongue in cheek statement. Hence my fixation on those fabulous lions, were they even lions? They were something of that four-legged, “can still kick your human ass before you make a pelt out of me” species. I haven’t seen that film in some time, it makes me sad.
Congrats, Medic.
i just wanted to say that i loved joaquin phoenix in that film - he's so sexy!
i think it was tigers... at the match with tigris of gaul...
and i agree with ash.
woo hoo!
angry medic, when do you want your haircut? i was calling you to come over after the committee meeting, but you didn't answer...
i get it!! man i'm clever, good luck .x
HI angry med. I just read your comment in the SMI website managed by Peter Khiew. How have you been? It's been a long time since your last visit to Niamah!!! Hope you are well and happy albeit overworked.
Update already medic! We need more laughter ;)
oh no!! i have destroyed the angry medic's hair!!! i am very very sorry... i will get you queens' formal tickets!
errr ok ok i will tell u what happend...
angry medic came over to have his regular scheduled haircut... but halfway through cutting, the clip fell off and the shaver sort of scalped him and he got quite a large bald patch. i tried to fix it by trimming the hair around it so that it looked more homogeneous, but it was so deep and he ended up with the type of haircut the USMC gives their people...
Is this some kind of gift of the magi manifestation (I know, I'm always trying to spin things).
And Dan is alive and posting (breath becomes you).
Dear Angry,
Okay, i'm getting emo (i stole your term and am now using it...), tear in eye...pppllleeeaaasssseee write and tell us how you are doing, you already know how much we care and how much we love you, man... i mean, other son....tracy
yeah mr angry medic. please update us. you aren't even replying my e-mails about committee work!!
a giant talking cat asked me to tell you to update your blog today. T.T.
Okay, okay. Life has been hard recently. I've gone emo. ME, EMO! I hate being emo. I'm supposed to be a superficial shallow ass whose idea of deep is Darth Vader's voice (AHAHAHA geddit? OOH that was genius I tell you. Smack that!)
Uhm. But yes, post coming up. Along with my return to normal bloglife (and by that I mean me spamming on all your blogs).
but I don't have a blog...
Oh Dear Angry, whatever's wrong, i'm so very sorry...love and hugs, tracy
a giant talking cat has kidnapped my rabbit, andy, and is threatening to cook rabbit stew unless you update your blog by midnight tonight, ba.
Hey, thanks for the comments dude and glad to see you back blogging.
You had an invite to my private forum ages and ages ago so I don't know what you're moaning about.
Anyway, blog more or else...
Oy! A.M.! Can you hear me? Uuuuuuppppppdddaaaaatttteee already, please! (How else am I going to procrastinate from studying for my sociology of health and illness exam?)
yeah asshole. update.
I think checking your journal for updates is starting to become addictive...
yeah. just like the morphine overdose you gave me.
Ok Angry Medic.....you passed. Congratulations, I'm proud of you. (All said in a mother's tone.) Now it's time to pick yourself up, stop looking at your darn credentials and move on to let us know how things are going in your new role. Snap to it young man! (Again, all said in a mother's encouraging voice.)
Hey, Angry, I've been thinking about you. I hope things went well!
i have been thinking of you too....
a lot...
stalker: Hah hah hah. ;)
How the fuck did I not know that you were updating again? :(
Okay, I just subscribed to your feed. Will never miss another post again. :)
Sigh. I'm going to have to find a new blog to invest all my time and energy into reading :)
Any takers?
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
It's been a month... Update "dude"!!! ;-)
Where you at?
Argh! Spammers ahoy! Batten ye hatches! Man the battens! Hatchen those bats!
(Okay so I haven't watched Pirates of the Caribbean as many times as I should have. Sue me.)
Sorry, new post coming up, along with proper return to blogging. No really, a proper PROPER return this time. I promise. I want those brownies, Momma Tracy! :)
Dear Angry Medic "son", Soooo happy to see you out and about...i have missed you so much...just send me your addy and seriously, baked goods, that yes, travel well, will be on their way...yeah! bakestuff@hotmail.com
hope you are doing well m'dear, tracy
Hi Angry, i now have a blogger display name, fancy that, thanks to Cal...thanks Cal! Guess i'd better start baking! go have some fun, you deserve it, tracy
Come ON angry! UPDATE! A half of my semester has passed and I haven't studied a thing! How am I supposed to keep sane if you don't blog?!
Dei... What's this? First you get all anti-social on us and now you're not blabbering on your blog any more?
Hurry up and post something. If not, your blog's going to die slowly ala someone being murdered with a corkscrew...
come on angry come back to blogging, I know you're out there lurking like some dirty blog pervert
Damn, I feel like doing that all the time in the ICU. Can I? Huh, can I? :)
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