It's the beginning of term!
All across Cambridge, library space is at a premium. Lines form outside libraries as angry nerds clutching piles of textbooks glare at the slow-walking porter (whom I suspect walks even slower just for kicks) ambling to the library door to unlock it before deftly leaping to one side to avoid being crushed underfoot by a mob that would make a Boxing Day Sales crowd blush.
Lectures started today officially (term in Cambridge starts on a Thursday, thanks to an obscure rule in a rulebook somewhere written by an ancient Cambridge don with a sense of humour and too much free time --Editor) but of course, knowing my luck, I had one scheduled yesterday. Halfway through the Psychology lecture, which was on how babies think, those of us left with consciousness levels higher than the average heroin addict managed to catch this particular exchange:
Professor: ...and so for a long time it was questioned whether infants integrated visible parts into wholes.
And then, from the back row of the class, barely a whisper but still very audible:
"You can integrate MY visible part into your whole anytime, baby."
That woke us up.
Too funny!!!
Gee, that is funny! LOL! Also, cute cartoon pic. :)
I left comments to your comments the other day. Did you check out the post "The Present"? If you didn't - very funny - says me. :)
Hey, how are you?! I hadn't heard from you in awhile, but maybe, just maybe, now that its a new term you'll have a moment to get back to me...maybe?
I know, I've been busy too! I just made a new site: Type B Medicine
Check it out sometime. And hey good luck with the next term...how many more until you see patients??
-Michelle v Med Student
HaHaHa... :-) good one!
How come everyone's going to the library at the beginning of the term? You guys must be really studious, we don't get crammed in there until the end of term....
LMAO! Thats hilarous.
Agreed with the stupid Cambridge rules, there are loads of stupid ones.
Also, have you seen that video of hundreds of cambridge students rushing into a library to get the books they want? If not I'll find it for you.
I'm coming to visit you next week! (well, not you personally but Cambridge) Woo.
love the blog...
that is all
Wow. We are an encouragable crowd, aren't we?
Bohemian: I thought so too. I wish I'd snapped the prof's expression. It was the personification of "You did NOT just say that!" and would have made a comedy post all by itself.
SeaSpray: Nope, haven't seen the comment yet, but I'm going over right now. Also, OMG, read my next post!
MHill: Hey, new blog, new display name! I like. I'm adding you to my links. And whoops, sorry about not replying yet...been swamped with nasty exams. Will do soon! Patience, m'dear :)
Ms Ellisa: Aw thanks. Did you get my comment on your blog? You're off to a great start. I think your stories make really good reading, except for the part where you leave us in suspense. Hmpf. *mutter mutter grumble* :)
Medstudentitis: Dude. We're nerds. We HAVE NO LIVES. (Well, the ones lining up anyway. The only way I'm gonna get into the library this term is if my Senior Tutor forcibly drags me to the door and kicks me inside.)
Eliza: Aww thanks. Your blog blew me over from the start. The very first sentence of the post on the top had me going "...like, WHAT THE...?" Very good on the whoa! factor :) I'm adding you to my links.
Nathan: You took the words right out of my mouth, mate. And your latest few posts have inspired me. I'm going to be borrowing heavily from you for me next one!
But I think I meant to say "incorrigible." It's tough when I can't even spell correctly whilst being glib.
i dont give a damn about library space. my room has everything i need. the internet for searches, computer for simulations, food to eat, all the books i need and a huge ass table to mug. i dont see why anyone would need a library.
Lectures started today officially (term in Cambridge starts on a Thursday, thanks to an obscure rule in a rulebook somewhere written by an ancient Cambridge don with a sense of humour and too much free time --Editor) but of course, knowing my luck, I had one scheduled yesterday.
food hygiene certificate
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