I was online at FrontPoint Systems (yes, so I was procrastinating again. What's it to you? YOU AIN'T THE BOSS O' ME!* --Editor) when he broke the news that Professor Alan Crockard, the National Director of Moderning Medical Careers (MMC) has resigned. Read his full story here, and the full letter of resignation at Dr Rant here. (Link not safe for kids. Don't bother with noisy grown-ups arguing, li'l tykes, go play a Teletubbies game or something. --Ed)
Let's take a break from revision together, folks, and take a look at ol' Crocky's letter. In it he simultaneously plays both hero AND villain (a feat previously only managed by President Bush --Ed). He says "The principles of MMC are laudable and I stand by them. More patients should be treated by trained doctors, rather than doctors in training."
Forgive me, for I am but a humble overworked medic, not blessed by the abundance of brain cells required for a position of such great responsibility, but I fail to see how exactly we are supposed to GET trained doctors unless we LET doctors-in-training treat patients.

So c'mon, folks, join me in celebrating by putting this on repeat on your playlist, courtesy of the brilliant DogHorse. Turn the volume up real loud - it's great for accompanying revision!
raaarrrrrr!!! i do not want to be back in cambridge!!! grrrrrr..
You're way behind time, mate. I broke this news at 5pm yesterday. Over 24 hours before you.
Perhaps the revision is taking its toll on you after all?
HP: Yeah yeah, you got there first, Phoenix is the greatest, etc etc. Happy? :)
You ARE after all, a proper doc. I'm just a poor brain-damaged medic...I'd be worried if people looked to me for authoritative medical news. I'm not even an authoritative source on the function of the spinothalamic pathway in the brain! (And I should be.)
Oh come on! The spinothalamic tract is EASY!
Spinothalamic what?
Sheesh, you have time to blog but no time to buy plane tickets and meet your friends and get a life is it?
I prefer the dorsal columns myself
Cal: Oh go on, rub it in why don't you, Ms I-get-to-go-to-theatre-every-day :) well it might be easy, but I've been dragged to watch so many inane movies (Borat, then TMNT, then Nacho Libre) that I'm afraid I no longer have enough brain cells to finish my course...
Eugene: Actually, I had just woken up. But don't tell anyone. Bad for my macho image.
HP: Arr matey, ye're right there, I prefer the dorsal columns too. So much more straightforward aren't they? None of this crossing over nonsense. They stay on their sides until the last moment, THEN they cross over. (Kinda like Judas, but hey.)
I guess this letter of resignation is another step forward.
Just checking in on you Medic. Make sure you do get some rest during this time. I do check in on you, even if I'm not exactly on this site. ;)
So much drama... Guess Patrick Teoh is right after all, this is like Grey's Anatomy. ;)
Dr Serani: Yep, I suppose it is. More resignations are needed, but they're not going to be half as easy to make fun of as this dude was :)
(That doesn't imply I have no respect for Prof Crockard though. He did the right thing, and these days that's getting rarer and rarer.)
Chrysalis Angel: Aww thanks CA. I know I've always got an Angel watching over me :) I'm still alive, not to worry. In fact I'm sleeping more and more these days :(
Kenny Mah: Hahahaha I know man. It's not my fault, the NHS is just one big soap opera, you know? I don't even have to TRY :)
Don't worry, I haven't had to use knowledge of the spinothalamic tract since I graduated 8 years ago.
Did you see Dr. Crippen's post about Patricia Hewitt resigning as well?!
Dr Hua Jern: I was just wondering where you'd gotten to! Still no blog yet for me to keep in touch? And thanks for the info about the spinothalamic tract...makes me sweat slightly less. Short-term memorising, here I come!
Anonymous: Haha yes, it was a nasty April Fool's joke on his part, wasn't it? I was fooled for about 5 seconds. 5 SECONDS OF BLISS, dangit!
You sound like you procrastinate as much as I do :)
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