People sometimes say that being a medical student predisposes one to brain damage. That we work so hard, and operate under so much stress, that somewhere up in our heads things sometimes get so hot that a few neurons decide to take a vacation, pack their bags and head down Spinal Cord Valley to get a well-earned rest in the tropics of
Gluteus Maximasia. I disagree, however. I think we students at Cambridge may get a little weird sometimes, and do things to amuse ourselves, but on the whole our quirks are well within normalcy. The last time we medics were down at the local park dancing naked around a bonfire of labcoats, we didn't even get reprimanded by the police. (
We didn't even get visits from Mental Health Services in the morning this time. Probably because Patsy's closed them down, but still. --Editor)

And so it is that, in my latest brilliant gimmick to waste time and procrastinate, I've decided to take a cue from HospitalPhoenix's
Nurse Quacktitioner Adventures and create my own tribute to the former blogger. With HospitalPhoenix's blessings (and a good solid eBay account) I proudly introduce:
The Adventures Of Donald Trump.
This not only allows me to give my views regarding the new season of
The Apprentice in the US, but also allows m--uh, Donald to give economic views regarding the NHS. (
I can hear Wat Tyler cocking his gun and buying a train ticket to Cambridge. --Editor) And of course, pay tribute to good ol' HospitalPhoenix.
The Trump helicopter arrives in Jesus CollegeStay tuned for Mr Trump's review of the first episode of
The Apprentice that aired last Sunday. The next episode airs tomorrow.
And of course, if you're walking around Cambridge and see a medic trying to snap a picture of some oddity with a Donald Trump action figure perched somewhere in the picture, keep walking.
Everything's normal.
You may not have suffered brain damage yet, but I fear you are not immune. Take care: proximity to Trump is likely to be much worse than medical school. Take some sort of neurolysis-detector with you. He's already weighed in on war with Iran. I'm going to monitor your writing for signs of lesser excellence. By then, of course, it'll be too late.
Trump rules!I love his 'ahem' not a combover.
Nurse Quacktitioner (or a form of, thereof,) returns! Yay!
Is our friend the Phoenix going to return, or is he going to irritatingly lurk in the shadows, allowing us few elusive sightings of him whilst we vainly check out our beloved 'calculator golf handicap' blog?
Dr Schwab: Uhm. Well. I have no explanation for that war comment. Neither does Mr Trump (who is currently lounging in my chair whilst I sit on the floor typing this). It's due to his tiring schedule, you know. All that posing and firing to do. Poor man.
Wandering Medic: Woohoo! Another Trump fan! And yes, it's not a combover. Oh no. And I'm not saying this because Donald Trump is standing next to me with a gun to my head. Oh no.
Calavera: Unfortunately for now it seems like that second one; don't think he plans to come back to blogging just yet. Though he has hinted that if Mr Trump is enticing enough, NurseQuack might fly over to Cambridge for a guest appearance...
oh no. the singh has finally snapped!
i don't want to know where you keep your donald trump action figure.
here. specially for you:
Dan: Finally, some life from you!
And har har. I've already tried that one. Have you asked him to show you his chest hair yet?
(Not very pretty, I warn you.)
ewwwww!! grossss!!
Sigh. I tried warning you...
I, for one, would like to see a Trump and Nurse Quacktitioner pairing. Thanks for making me laugh.
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